Releases: Mala1180/PPS-22-satify
Releases · Mala1180/PPS-22-satify
Sprint 5 Release
What's Changed
- Align Develop after release 0.3.0 by @Mala1180 in #93
- Feature/end-sprint-4 by @Mala1180 in #95
- Feature/product-backlog-5 by @paga16-hash in #98
- Feature/dpll-refactor by @w-disaster in #94
- Feature/export-improvement by @paga16-hash in #96
- Feature/show-comp-time by @paga16-hash in #97
- Feature/solution-fetching-all-assignments by @w-disaster in #99
- Feature/scalameter-intro by @paga16-hash in #101
- Feature/encoding-refactor by @Mala1180 in #100
- Feature/tseitin-ordering-clauses by @paga16-hash in #104
- Feature/help-refinement by @Mala1180 in #103
- Feature/fix-dpll-enumerator-solve-all by @w-disaster in #107
- Feature/cache-repl by @Mala1180 in #102
- Feature/next-sol-problem-fix by @paga16-hash in #105
- Feature/bdd-encodings by @Mala1180 in #108
- Feature/gui-input-expression-style by @w-disaster in #106
- Feature/nqueen-representation by @paga16-hash in #109
- Feature/show-time-next-sol by @paga16-hash in #111
- Feature/dsl-comments-and-doc-update by @Mala1180 in #110
- Feature/fix-style-cucumber-steps by @paga16-hash in #112
- Feature/graph-color-representation by @paga16-hash in #113
- Feature/magic-string by @paga16-hash in #115
- Feature/fix-tests-and-nurse by @Mala1180 in #114
- Feature/reflection-variable-check by @Mala1180 in #116
- Feature/nurse-representation by @paga16-hash in #117
- Feature/problem-tests by @paga16-hash in #118
- Feature/tseitin-little-fix by @paga16-hash in #119
- Feature/fix-nurse-scheduling by @Mala1180 in #120
- Feature/fix-problem-next by @paga16-hash in #121
- Feature/solver-bdd-refactor by @w-disaster in #122
- Feature/solver-tests-refactor by @w-disaster in #123
- Feature/solver-dpll-doc by @w-disaster in #124
- Feature/refinement-chores by @Mala1180 in #127
- Feature/partial-assignment-test-refactor by @w-disaster in #125
- Feature/converter-design by @paga16-hash in #126
- Feature/find-next-refinment by @w-disaster in #128
- Feature/ref-tseitin-method by @paga16-hash in #130
- Feature/deterministic-run-tests by @w-disaster in #131
- Feature/gui-input-expression-style-improvement by @w-disaster in #132
- Feature/refactor-packages by @Mala1180 in #133
- Feature/cache-disabling by @paga16-hash in #134
- Feature/auto-doc-ci by @Mala1180 in #135
- Feature/fix-auto-scaladoc by @Mala1180 in #136
- Feature/microbenchmarking by @paga16-hash in #139
- Feature/refactor-reactions by @Mala1180 in #140
- Feature/doc-detailed-design by @w-disaster in #138
- Feature/fix-model-update by @Mala1180 in #141
- Feature/doc-update-methodology-requirements by @w-disaster in #142
- Feature/tailrec-optimizations-par-assignment by @w-disaster in #137
- Feature/stackover-detection by @paga16-hash in #144
- Feature/implementation-doc-tseitin by @paga16-hash in #146
- Feature/doc-benchmark-and-update by @Mala1180 in #145
- Feature/doc-detailed-design-dpll by @w-disaster in #143
- Feature/cache-check by @paga16-hash in #147
- Feature/dsl-chore by @Mala1180 in #148
- Feature/final-doc-refinement by @Mala1180 in #149
- Release/1.0.0 by @Mala1180 in #151
- Release/1.0.0 by @Mala1180 in #152
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v1.0.0
Sprint 4 Release
What's Changed
- Align Develop with Main by @Mala1180 in #58
- Feature/backlog-sprint-4 by @w-disaster in #59
- Feature/cucumber-plugin by @Mala1180 in #60
- Feature/gui-tab-improvement by @paga16-hash in #67
- Feature/automatic-changelog by @Mala1180 in #66
- Feature/tstn-tests-improvement by @paga16-hash in #68
- Feature/reflection-bdd-test by @Mala1180 in #71
- Feature/fix-input by @paga16-hash in #69
- Feature/input-error-handling by @paga16-hash in #70
- Feature/documentation-update by @Mala1180 in #72
- Feature/documentation-tseitin-impl by @paga16-hash in #74
- Feature/gui-minor-fix by @paga16-hash in #75
- Feature/requirements-refinement by @Mala1180 in #73
- Feature/solver-refactor by @Mala1180 in #76
- Feature/tseitin-optimization by @paga16-hash in #78
- Feature/update-tests by @paga16-hash in #77
- Feature/tseitin-transform-refactor by @paga16-hash in #79
- Feature/update-organization by @paga16-hash in #81
- Feature/converter-memoize by @paga16-hash in #80
- Feature/solver-cache by @Mala1180 in #83
- Feature/dpll-tailrec by @w-disaster in #84
- Feature/tseitin-bdd-test by @paga16-hash in #85
- Feature/tailrec-parser-cnf-refactor by @w-disaster in #86
- Feature/problem-representation by @Mala1180 in #87
- Feature/dimacs-dump by @paga16-hash in #88
- Feature/encoding-completion by @Mala1180 in #90
- Feature/next-sol-mechanism by @w-disaster in #91
- Release/0.3.0 by @Mala1180 in #92
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0
Sprint 3 Release
Prototype released at the end of the third Sprint.
It permits solving simple SAT problem instances and provides a richer DSL for the input.
What's Changed
- Align develop with main after release by @Mala1180 in #35
- Feature/dpll-unit-propagation by @w-disaster in #38
- Feature/backlog-sprint-3 by @Mala1180 in #36
- Feature/sbt-assembly by @Mala1180 in #37
- Feature/auto-release by @Mala1180 in #41
- Feature/dsl-math-operators by @Mala1180 in #42
- Feature/complete-model by @Mala1180 in #44
- Feature/cnf-output by @paga16-hash in #43
- Feature/gui-refactor by @paga16-hash in #45
- Feature/dpll-pure-literals-elimination by @w-disaster in #39
- Feature/cnf-dimacs-parse by @w-disaster in #46
- Feature/import-dimacs by @paga16-hash in #48
- Feature/sat-encodings by @Mala1180 in #49
- Feature/dpll-output by @w-disaster in #50
- Feature/dsl-implications by @Mala1180 in #51
- Feature/tseitin-transformations-fix by @paga16-hash in #53
- Feature/fix-dsl-reflection by @Mala1180 in #55
- Feature/documentation-improvement by @paga16-hash in #54
- chore: replace scoverage tool with jacoco by @paga16-hash in #47
- Feature/problems-nqueens by @w-disaster in #52
- fix: import reflection by @Mala1180 in #56
- Release/0.2.0 by @Mala1180 in #57
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
Sprint 2 Release
Prototype released at the end of the second Sprint.
It provides a GUI and the possibility to convert an expression in Conjunctive Normal Form.