A MATLAB toolbox for vine copulas based on the C++ shared library VineCopulaCPP
The toolbox can be used for high-dimensional dependence modeling with vine copula models. A key feature of the toolbox is a framework, which allows to test whether the simplifying assumption is a reasonable assumption for approximating high-dimensional distributions using simplified vine copula models.
- Modeling of (high-)dimensional [0,1]-data by C-vine and D-vine copulas.
- 20 different pair-copula families (62 families with rotated pair-copulas).
- The most important object class VineCopula is implemented in MATLAB.
- Functions for simulating from simplified and non-simplified C- and D-vine copulas. In the case of the non-simplified C- or D-vines, the parameters of all conditional bivariate copulas can be specified as functions of the conditioning variables.
- Functions for selecting and (jointly-)estimating C- and D-vine copula models.
- Functions for (jointly-)estimating C- and D-vine copula models.
- A vectorial independence test, which can be used for testing sequentially the simplified assumption for C- and D-vine copulas.
- Most computations are implemented in C++. Parts can be optionally performed parallel.
- The VineCopulaMatlab toolbox is hosted at GitHub and can be found under https://github.com/MalteKurz/VineCopulaMatlab.
- The C++ shared library VineCopulaCPP is also hosted at GitHub and can be found under https://github.com/MalteKurz/VineCopulaCPP.
- Please use GitHub issues (VineCopulaMatlab issues and VineCopulaCPP issues for reporting any issues or bugs.
Please see the demo for further details about the functionality of the VineCPP toolbox.
- The central class of the toolbox is the VineCopula class. Working with this class, for most input variables consistency checks are performed.
- In all the other functions (primarily the functions for two-dimensional (pair-)copulas there are not that many consistency checks performed.
- At the moment within this toolbox you can only choose between C-vines and D-vines. The superclass of regular vines (R-vines) is not implemented yet. If you also want to use R-Vines then the R-package VineCopula (cf. Schepsmeier, Stöber, and Brechmann (2013)) is an excellent alternative.
- A C++-compiler being compatible with the used MATLAB release (cf. http://www.mathworks.de/support/compilers for informations about compatible compilers for different releases and opperating systems).
- The C++ libraries boost (cf. http://www.boost.org/). Used are some functions for statistical distributions from the Boost Math Toolkit. Furthermore, the boost libraries are used for random number generation.
- The nonlinear optimization library NLopt (http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt).
- OpenMP for parallel computing (http://openmp.org/wp/).
- The Fortran 77 routine MVTDST (file mvtdstpack.f) from (http://www.math.wsu.edu/faculty/genz/software/software.html; Alan Genz). (It is only needed for computing the CDF of the bivariate normal and t copula.)
- The C++ library VineCopulaCPP (https://github.com/MalteKurz/VineCopulaCPP).
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Author: Malte Kurz