This is a Laravel 4.1 Starter Kit and it will help you getting started with Laravel 4.1.
Tottaly based on laravel4-starter-kit
It includes examples on how to use the framework itself and how to use some packages, like the awesome Sentry 2 package.
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2
- jQuery 1.10.2
- Custom CLI Installer
- Custom Error Pages:
- 403 for forbidden page access
- 404 for not found pages
- 500 for internal server errors
- 503 for the maintenance page
- Back-end
- User and Group management
- Manage blog posts and comments
- Front-end
- User login, registration, activation and forgot password
- User account area
- Blog functionality with commentaries
- Contact us page
- Packages included:
- PHP 5.3.7 or later
- MCrypt PHP Extension
git clone
cd your-folder
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install
cd your-folder
composer install
Now that you have the Starter Kit cloned and all the dependencies installed, you need to create a database and update the file app/config/database.php
Now, you need to setup your mail settings by just opening and updating the following file app/config/mail.php
This will be used to send emails to your users, when they register and they request a password reset.
If permissions are set correctly:
chmod -R 775 app/storage
Should work, if not try
chmod -R 777 app/storage
Now, you need to create yourself a user and finish the installation.
Use the following command to create your default user, user groups and run all the necessary migrations automatically.
php artisan app:install
To access the administration page, you just need to access http://your-host/public/admin
on your browser and it will automatically redirect you to the login page, in the login page, just fill in and submit the form.
After you being authenticated, you will be redirected back to the administration page.
This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license
Inspired by and based on laravel4-starter-kit (