- create new user
- create register and login flows
- Create DB user to match authed user
- logout
- Create Candidates
- Create Ballot
- Close Ballot
- view historical votes (per user, totals)
- reporting
- Do full user/group/role/permission permissions
- add keycloak auth?
- error handling
- cors for redirect to login
- access session for permissions on front end?
- ballot should have options
- anonymous or who voted for what
- show results before being closed
- Sign the jwt?
- hydra get user name in jwt
To cleanup, run ./cleanup.sh
. This will delete databases and volumes.
Other commands
docker exec -it hydra sh
docker exec -it vote_db psql -U president -d postgres
docker-compose -f quickstart.yml up -d --build
docker-compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra sh
client=$(hydra create client \
--endpoint \
--grant-type authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials \
--response-type code,id_token \
--format json \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_post \
--scope openid --scope offline --scope profile \
hydra perform client-credentials \
--endpoint \
--client-id $client_id \
--client-secret $client_secret \
--scope openid,offline,profile
hydra list oauth2-clients -e
hydra get oauth2-client 98914052-58dd-4c7e-8148-cc96bf01611c -e
client_id=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_id')
client_secret=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_secret')
hydra perform authorization-code \
--client-id $client_id \
--client-secret $client_secret \
--endpoint \
--port 5556 \
--scope openid,offline,profile
hydra perform authorization-code \
--client-id $client_id \
--client-secret $client_secret \
--endpoint \
--scope openid,offline,profile