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Gomoku engine


simple gomoku engine written in Rust
uses AlphaBeta pruning and caching with zobrist hashing

TODO: iterative deepening


1. interactive

gomoku <player> <depth> [start]

  • player - which symbol should engine play as ('x' or 'o')
  • depth - how many plies in future should the engine look
  • start - should the engine be first player ('true' or 'false')

reads from stdin in format x,y

2. single position

gomoku <player> <depth> debug <path-to-input-file>

  • player - which symbol should engine play as ('x' or 'o')
  • depth - how many plies in future should the engine look
  • path-to-input-file - path to file in specified format

evaluates single positions and returns its move

input file example:
