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Update 0514, add CGAN.
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Zhang Yuan committed May 14, 2018
1 parent f25bbe1 commit 9b29cf5
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Showing 104 changed files with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Data path
mnist_path = "D:/datasets/MNIST_DATA/"

# Training hyper paramters
batch_size = 64
input_dim = 100
hidden_dim = 128
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

import config
import net

seed = 42

def main():
cgan = net.CGAN(config)

if __name__ == "__main__":
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/
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@@ -1 +1,124 @@
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import config
import util

mnist = input_data.read_data_sets(config.mnist_path, one_hot=True)
x_dim = mnist.train.images.shape[1]
y_dim = mnist.train.labels.shape[1]

def xavier_init(size):
in_dim = size[0]
xavier_stddev = 1. / tf.sqrt(in_dim / 2.)
return tf.random_normal(shape=size, stddev=xavier_stddev)

def log(x):
Sometimes discriminator outputs can reach values close to (or even slightly less than) zero due to numerical rounding.
This just make sure that we exclude those values so that we don't up with NaNs during optimization
return tf.log(tf.maximum(x, 1e-5))

with tf.variable_scope('D'):
D_W1 = tf.Variable(xavier_init([x_dim + y_dim, config.hidden_dim]))
D_b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[1]))

D_W2 = tf.Variable(xavier_init([config.hidden_dim, 1]))
D_b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[1]))

def discriminator(x, y):
# Concatenate x and y
inputs = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[x, y])

D_h1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inputs, D_W1) + D_b1)
D_logit = tf.matmul(D_h1, D_W2) + D_b2
D_prob = tf.nn.sigmoid(D_logit)

return D_prob, D_logit

with tf.variable_scope('G'):
G_W1 = tf.Variable(xavier_init([config.input_dim + y_dim, config.hidden_dim]))
G_b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[config.hidden_dim]))

G_W2 = tf.Variable(xavier_init([config.hidden_dim, x_dim]))
G_b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[x_dim]))

def generator(z, y):
# COncatenate z and y
inputs = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[z, y])

G_h1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inputs, G_W1) + G_b1)
G_log_prob = tf.matmul(G_h1, G_W2) + G_b2
G_prob = tf.nn.sigmoid(G_log_prob)

return G_prob

def sample_Z(m, n):
return np.random.uniform(-1., 1., size=[m, n])

class CGAN(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config

self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 784])
self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, y_dim])
self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, config.input_dim])

self.G_sample = generator(self.z, self.y)

self.D_real, self.D_logit_real = discriminator(self.x, self.y)
self.D_fake, self.D_logit_fake = discriminator(self.G_sample, self.y)

self.D_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logit_real, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_logit_real)))
self.D_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logit_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.D_logit_fake)))
self.D_loss = self.D_loss_real + self.D_loss_fake
self.G_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logit_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_logit_fake)))

vars = tf.trainable_variables()
self.d_params = [v for v in vars if'D/')]
self.g_params = [v for v in vars if'G/')]

self.D_solver = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.D_loss, var_list=self.d_params)
self.G_solver = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(self.G_loss, var_list=self.g_params)

def train(self):
with tf.Session() as sess:

if not os.path.exists('./out/'):

save_index = 0

for iter in range(100000):

batch_x, batch_y = mnist.train.next_batch(config.batch_size)
batch_z = sample_Z(config.batch_size, config.input_dim)

_, D_loss_cur =[self.D_solver, self.D_loss], feed_dict={self.x: batch_x, self.z: batch_z, self.y: batch_y})
_, G_loss_cur =[self.G_solver, self.G_loss], feed_dict={self.z: batch_z, self.y: batch_y})

if iter % 1000 == 0:
print("iter: ", iter)
print("D_loss: ", D_loss_cur)
print("G_loss: ", G_loss_cur)

samples_num = 16

z_sample = sample_Z(samples_num, config.input_dim)
y_sample = np.zeros(shape=[samples_num, y_dim])
y_sample[:, 7] = 1

samples =, feed_dict={self.z: z_sample, self.y: y_sample})

fig = util.plot(samples)
save_filename = './out/' + str(save_index).zfill(3)
save_index += 1
plt.savefig(save_filename, bbox_inches='tight')

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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/011.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/014.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/015.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/016.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/017.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/018.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/019.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/020.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/021.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/022.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/024.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/070.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/072.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/073.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/074.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/075.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/076.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/077.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/078.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/079.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/080.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/081.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/082.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/083.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/084.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/085.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/086.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/087.png
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Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/089.png
Binary file added tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/out/090.png
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/TensorGAN/cGAN/
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

def plot(samples):


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)
gs.update(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)

for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
ax = plt.subplot(gs[i])
plt.imshow(sample.reshape(28, 28), cmap='Greys_r')

return fig

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