MYSQL_HOST -> host where the mysql is located MYSQL_PORT -> port in where the mysql goes through MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD -> root's password for the db CRON_SCHEDULE -> see info below
Docker image with mongodump running as a cron task.
Attach a target mongo container to this container and mount a volume to container /backup
folder. The backups will appear in this volume as gzip-archives with names like 20170218_025718
, where mask is %Y%m%d_%H%M%S
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \ # path to put backups
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \ # linked container with running mongo
To run manual backup without cron job, add no-cron
docker run --rm \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
tenorok/mongodumper no-cron # manual start
mongorestore --gzip --archive=/path/to/my-folder/20170218_025718
For customize backups schedule.
Default schedule is 0 0 * * *
— runs every day at 00:00.
Recommend useful online helper for decoding crontab.
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
-e 'CRON_SCHEDULE=0 3 */5 * *' \ # custom cron job schedule
For dump selective databases specify they names through space. This will create archives with names like 20170218_025718-db1
and 20170218_025718-db2
for each database from option.
Unfortunately now mongodump not providing opportunity to backups multiple databases at one time (TOOLS-22, TOOLS-31).
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
-e 'MONGO_DB_NAMES=db1 db2' \ # names (through space) of databases for dumping
For remove unnecessary archives older than specified number of days.
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
-e 'BACKUP_EXPIRE_DAYS=30' \ # number of days for remove old backups
For save backup with custom name. This option is more relevant for manual backup, because with scheduled backups file with specified name will overwritten each time.
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
-e 'BACKUP_FILE_NAME=express' \ # custom name for backup archive
If your mongodb need user and password to access, you need set them in your environment.
docker run -d \
-v /path/to/my-folder:/backup \
--link my-mongo-container:mongo \
-e 'MONGO_USERNAME=root' \ # mongo -u $MONGO_USERNAME
-e 'MONGO_PASSWORD=rootpassword' \ # mongo -p $MONGO_PASSWORD