List of projects carried out in frontendmentor.
The projects are located inside this folder as in other repositories of this same github.
- Testimonials grid section ("NEW")
- Fylo data storage component
- Pricing component with toggle
- Coding bootcamp testimonials slider
- Interactive pricing component
- Mortgage repayment calculator
- Blogr landing page
- Agency landing page
- Interactive card details form
- Blog preview card
- Notifications pages
- News homepage
- Age calculator app
- Contact form
- Recipe page
- Social links profile
- FAQ accordion
- Newsletter sign-up form with success message
- Huddle landing page with curved sections
- Ping single column coming soon page
- Intro component with sign-up form
- Results summary component
- Social proof section
- Four card feature section
- Single price grid component
- Base Apparel coming soon page
- 3-column preview card component
- Profile card component
- Stats preview card component
- Huddle landing page with a single introductory section
- Interactive rating component
- NFT preview card component
- Order summary card
- Product preview card component
- QR code component