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Dmitry Sorokin (@sorydima) edited this page Nov 26, 2024 · 1 revision

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1. Home

# Telegram Bot SDK for MarinaModaMusicProd

Welcome to the **Telegram Bot SDK** Wiki! 🎵

This SDK simplifies the creation and management of Telegram bots, tailored to integrate with music production and creative projects. Use it to streamline workflows, manage chats, and enhance user engagement.

### Key Features
- **Easy Setup**: Quickly integrate with your Telegram account.
- **Custom Commands**: Define bot behaviors with minimal coding.
- **Music Integration**: Leverage features designed for music-based projects.
- **Extensible**: Add custom modules and features effortlessly.

Get started by exploring the guides below!

2. Getting Started

# Getting Started

### Prerequisites
Before using the SDK, ensure you have the following:
- **Node.js** (v16+ recommended)
- **Telegram Bot Token**: Obtain it from [BotFather](
- **Git** for cloning the repository.

### Installation
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd telegram-bot-sdk

Install dependencies:

npm install

Running Your First Bot

  1. Create a .env file in the project root:

  2. Start the bot:

    npm start
  3. Your bot is live and ready to receive messages!


#### **3. Configuration**
# Configuration

### Environment Variables
The SDK relies on the following environment variables:

| Variable           | Description                          |
| `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` | The token for your Telegram bot.    |
| `PORT`             | (Optional) Port for the local server.|

### Config File
You can also define settings in `config.json`:
  "botToken": "your-telegram-bot-token",
  "allowedUpdates": ["message", "callback_query"]


#### **4. Command Usage**
# Command Usage

### Defining Commands
Commands are defined in the `commands/` directory. Each file corresponds to a specific command.

Example: `commands/start.js`
module.exports = {
  command: "/start",
  description: "Welcome message",
  execute(ctx) {
    ctx.reply("Welcome to the MarinaModaMusicProd Telegram bot!");

Adding a New Command

  1. Create a new file in commands/ (e.g., commands/help.js).
  2. Export the command and its functionality.
  3. Restart the bot to apply changes.

Built-in Commands

  • /start: Initiates the bot and sends a welcome message.
  • /help: Provides a list of available commands.


#### **5. Advanced Features**
# Advanced Features

### Middleware
Use middleware for custom processing of messages:
bot.use((ctx, next) => {
  console.log("New message:", ctx.message.text);

Inline Keyboards

Easily create interactive buttons:

bot.on("message", (ctx) => {
  ctx.reply("Choose an option:", {
    reply_markup: {
      inline_keyboard: [
        [{ text: "Option 1", callback_data: "option1" }],
        [{ text: "Option 2", callback_data: "option2" }],


Switch to webhook mode by running:

npm run webhook


#### **6. FAQ**

### How do I deploy the bot?
You can deploy the bot on platforms like Heroku, AWS, or Google Cloud. Refer to the **Deployment Guide** for more details.

### Can I add custom modules?
Yes! Use the `modules/` directory to add your custom integrations.

### How do I report issues?
Create an issue in the [GitHub Issues]( section, providing detailed information about the problem.

7. Contribution Guidelines

# Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions to the Telegram Bot SDK! 🎉

### How to Contribute
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your feature/bugfix:
   git checkout -b feature-name
  1. Commit your changes with clear messages.
  2. Push the branch and create a Pull Request.

Code Style

  • Follow JavaScript best practices.
  • Ensure all changes pass the linter:
    npm run lint

Reporting Issues

  • Use the Issues tab for bug reports or feature requests.