Gibbonacci is an idle/incremental game about you getting bunch of monkeys to check numbers for you to find all that belong to Fibonacci sequence. Why? Only you know the answer to that...
Start the dev server with hot reload:
npm run dev
Create a final production build:
npm run build
Everything (almost), including art, design, music, sound, and game was created by me - Martin Tale
- Social and GUI icons from respective platforms and
- Moon, Gorilla and Banana icons by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0;
- Monkey and Turd icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0;
Cody Ebberson for JS13K Starter 2023 and just being super helpful!
Frank Force for ZzFX
Keith Clark and Frank Force for ZzFXM
Andrzej Mazur for organizing js13k