This repository contains my solutions to various LeetCode problems.
LeetCode is a platform for practicing and improving your coding skills through solving coding problems. It offers a large collection of problems in different categories such as algorithms, data structures, database, shell, and more.
This repository is organized by problem number and name. Each solution includes the problem description, my thought process, and the code I used to solve it.
Feel free to browse the solutions and use them as a reference for your own LeetCode practice. If you find any errors or have suggestions for improving a solution, please create an issue or submit a pull request.
Here's a list of the problems I have solved so far:
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | JavaScript | |
2 | Valid Palindrome | JavaScript | |
3 | Is Subsequence | JavaScript | |
4 | Container With Most Water | JavaScript | |
5 | 3Sum | JavaScript |
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | JavaScript | |
2 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | JavaScript | |
3 | Minimum Window Substring | JavaScript |
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Valid Sudoku | JavaScript | |
2 | Spiral Matrix | JavaScript | |
3 | Rotate Image | JavaScript | |
4 | Set Matrix Zeros | JavaScript | |
4 | Game of Life | JavaScript |
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Ransom Note | JavaScript | |
2 | Isomorphic Strings | JavaScript | |
3 | Word Pattern | JavaScript | |
4 | Is Anagram | JavaScript | |
5 | Group Anagram | JavaScript | |
6 | Two Sum | JavaScript | |
7 | Is Happy | JavaScript | |
8 | Contains Duplicate II | JavaScript | |
9 | Substring with Concatenation of All Words | JavaScript | |
10 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | JavaScript |
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Summary Range | JavaScript | |
2 | Merge Intervals | JavaScript | |
3 | Insert Intervals | JavaScript | |
4 | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Ballon | JavaScript |
# | Problem | Solution | Difficulty |
1 | Valid Parentheses | JavaScript | |
2 | Simplify Path | JavaScript | |
3 | Min Stack | JavaScript | |
4 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | JavaScript |
I am a Polyglot Engineer with a passion for problem-solving and continuous learning. In my free time, I enjoy practicing my coding skills on platforms like LeetCode and contributing to open source projects.