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Docomb Admin NuGet Admin NuGet

Docomb is a simple content management system for Markdown files, intended primarily for managing documentations. It is packaged as a library, rather than a finished solution, so it is easier to adapt to specific requirements.


  • Separate reader & admin interfaces
  • File management with editor for Markdown and TXT files
  • Multiple document workspaces
  • External authentication with Facebook, Google, and Microsoft account
  • Saves changes to Git

Installation & Configuration

Basic implementation

  1. Create a new empty ASP.NET 5.0 project.
  2. Add Docomb.WebReader and Docomb.WebAdmin NuGet packages to the project. (The packages can be used either together or alone.)
  3. In Startup.cs file add the following:
    • Among the using statements:
       using Docomb.WebAdmin;
       using Docomb.WebReader;
    • In ConfigureServices function:
    • In Configure function:
       app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
  4. Prepare configuration files and save them to the directory from where the project will run.

Configuration: config.json


	"name": "Site title",
		"authorizeAdmin": true,
		"authorizeReader": true,
				"type": "MicrosoftAccount",
				"name": null,
				"clientId": "••••••••",
				"clientSecret": "••••••••"
				"type": "Facebook",
				"appId": "••••••••",
				"appSecret": "••••••••"
				"type": "Google",
				"clientId": "••••••••",
				"clientSecret": "••••••••"
			"admin": [ "[email protected]" ],
			"editor": [],
			"reader": []
	"credentials": [
			"key": "GitCredentials1",
			"username": "••••••••",
			"password": "••••••••"
	"reporters": {
		"console": {
			"enabled": true,
			"showDate": true,
			"dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"
		"email": {
			"enabled": false,
			"recipients": "••••@••••.••",
			"host": "",
			"port": 587,
			"username": "••••••••",
			"password": "••••••••"
Value Type Description
name string Displayed name of the web site.
authentication object Configuration for external authentication.
authentication.authorizeAdmin boolean Whether admin interface requires authorization.
authentication.authorizeReader boolean Whether reader interface requires authorization.
authentication.schemes object array Authentication schemes.
authentication.schemes[].type "MicrosoftAccount", "Facebook", "Google" Identity provider to use.
authentication.schemes[].name string (Optional) Button label for the authentication, if using two or more schemes with the same identity provider.
string App authentication for Microsoft and Google accounts
string App authentication for Facebook accounts
authentication.users object Hardcoded users access, which cannot be removed in admin interface.
authentication.users.admin string array Hardcoded administrators
authentication.users.editor string array Hardcoded editors
authentication.users.reader string array Hardcoded readers
credentials object array Username & password pairs, needed for Git repository.
credentials[].key string Credential key, referenced in Git configuration in workspaces.
credentials[].username string Username.
credentials[].password string Password.
reporters object Configurations for error & info reporters.
reporters.console object Configurations for console reporter.
reporters.console.enabled boolean Whether the console reporter is enabled - the errors and info will be reported in the console. Default value is true.
reporters.console.showDate boolean Whether the console output include date and time. Default value is true.
reporters.console.dateFormat string Date format of the console output. Default value is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
reporters.console object Configurations for email reporter.
reporters.console.enabled boolean Whether the email reporter is enabled - the errors will sent by email.
reporters.console.recipients string Recipients of the email reports. string SMTP host.
reporters.console.port integer SMTP port.
reporters.console.username string SMTP username.
reporters.console.password string SMTP password.

Configuration: workspaces.json


		"name": "Docs",
		"urlPath": "docs1",
		"storagePath": "/file/storage/path",
		"icon": "Documentation",
		"git": {
			"repository": "••••••••/••••••••.git",
			"credentialsKey": "GitCredentials1",
			"branch": "main",
			"commiterName": "Docomb",
			"commiterEmail": "@Docomb",
			"clone": true,
			"syncInterval": 15
Value Type Description
[].name string Display name of the workspace.
[].urlPath string URL path (within the web site) of the workspace. Leave blank if the workspace is the only one or should be the default.
[].storagePath string Path of the directory where the workspace's documents are saved.
[].icon string Icon of the workspace, used in admin interface. If left empty, the fist character of the name will be used.
[].git object Git configuration, if any.
[].git.repository string Git repository
[].git.credentialsKey string Key of the authentication credentials to use (from config.json).
[].git.branch string Branch to pull/push.
[].git.commiterName string Name of the entity that commits to Git.
[].git.commiterEmail string Email of the entity that commits to Git.
[].git.clone boolean Whether the workspace should be cloned from Git if not yet locally available.
[].git.syncInterval integer If specified, it represents the interval in minutes of how often the Git repository should be synchronized with the remote. Minimal value is 5. 0, negative value or no value will disable synchronization.

Configuration: users.json

This file will be managed by admin interface, and does not need to be kept up-to-date manually.


	"none": [ "[email protected]" ],
	"reader": [ "*", "[email protected]" ],
	"editor": [],
	"admin": [ "[email protected]" ]
Value Type Description
none string array Users with no access. Useful as an exception to an access granted with wildcard username.
reader string array Users who can only read content.
editor string array Users who can read and edit content.
admin string array Administrators, who can also manage users.

If a user is listed in multiple groups, the highest access level will be used. An exact match will take priority over a wildcard match.