IMO Methods & Tools Lecture Series
The purpose of this series is to offer additional training in common methods used in IMO. Topics will be chosen based on student feedback, and we aim to build a resource & library of lecture materials, examples, and code to be used year-on-year.
Summary: A review of the construction of scientific figures and illustrations, including topics like data encoding using size, shape, color. We review the physical limits of human perception, the history of illustration methods, and make recommendations on best practices. Presented by Jeffrey West
Summary: An overview of lineage tracing, with a tutorial of Hybrid Automata Library (HAL) and its integration with EvoFreq, a tool for visualizing lineage information. Presented by Chandler Gatenbee & Sadegh Marzban.
Summary: an overview of common drugs used in cancer, along with description of mechanism of action. Presented by Vural Tagal.