A Python package to localise and size spherical particles of various sizes as explained in Mathieu Leocmach, & Hajime Tanaka A novel particle tracking method with individual particle size measurement and its application to ordering in glassy hard sphere colloids. Soft Matter 9, 1447–1457 (2013). doi:10.1039/c2sm27107a.
Author: Mathieu Leocmach
Pyrtack localises spherical particles of arbitrarily relative sizes from either 2D or 3D (confocal) images either in a dilute or crowded environment. Moreover this method allows us to estimate the size of each particle reliably.
This code is under GPL 3.0 licence. See LICENCE file.
Please cite the above publication in any scientific publication using this software.
Contact Mathieu LEOCMACH, Institut Lumière Matière, UMR-CNRS 5306, Lyon, France mathieu.leocmach AT univ-lyon1.fr
Dependencies are numpy, scipy and numba. Tested with python 3.
You can install with pip: pip install -e .
You can find a 2D tutorial in pyrtrack/notebooks/Multiscale.ipynb
For the sake of comparison, an implementation of Crocker and Grier finder is implemented, with a 2D tutorial in pyrtrack/notebooks/CrockerGrier.ipynb
You can find a 3D tutorial including deconvolution in pyrtrack/notebooks/Deconvolution.ipynb