Hello! I am a Machine Learning Engineer and Data Scientist specializing in Deep Learning, NLP, and Computer Vision. Have a look-see at some highlights of my work and accomplishments

I led the effort on an open source tool that converts projects from Poetry to uv, including the pyproject.toml
file and keeping lock files equivalent. My company used this to migrate all of our own apps to great success!
A versatile open source tool I created for scrubbing profanity from text. Using a more efficient algorithm, it outperforms alternatives like better-profanity by orders of magnitude
I have made many contributions to this modern NLP framework for multitask learning.
Deep Nearest Means Classifier Decoder
I received my PhD in high-energy astrophysics at UCLA, and am published in the Astrophysical Journal.
My dissertation includes a chapter on using boosted decision tree learning for image classification and regression.