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A Flask App to return Currently Playing Song Information from the Official & Non Official Spotify API, with support to sync artwork to Philips Hue Lights using Node-Red

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A Flask App to return Currently Playing Song Information from the Official & Non Official Spotify API, with support to sync artwork to Philips Hue Lights using Node-Red.


  • Retrieve Multiple Details From the Currently Playing Spotify API, including Artist and Album artwork
  • Retrieve Artist Cover Images from the Unofficial Spotify API
  • Detect Locally Playing Content Before Querying API To Hinder Any Rate Limiting
  • Sync Philips Hue Lights To Either Album Artwork, Artist Image or Artist Cover Image of a Song - Each Light Will Take a Portion of the Image to Generate a Satisfying Colour Palette

Sample Output Per Request

  "artistImages": [
      "Sam Smith",
  "currentlyPlaying": {
    "song_name": "Latch",
    "song_id": "51ODNNDZm21HU7wI7cccRr",
    "album_name": "Settle (Special Edition)",
    "album_id": "7bdjtx1RTkWoSoOaIl7a8E",
    "album_picture": "",
    "artist_names": [
      "Sam Smith"
    "artist_ids": [
    "is_playing": true
  "currentArtistImage": "",
  "artistHeaderImage": ""

Why have I made this?

Since trying the Official Hue Sync App with music I found it too unpredictable and largely un-related to the song so I wouldn't would use it regularly. Therefore, obtaining the colours from Spotify Artwork using the API and distributing a portion of each image throughout my Philips Hue Lights was more desirable for me.

What will it do?

  • When configured with all the pre-requisites, so long as you have the Home Assistant Sync Or Not Toggle set to ON (See Below) every time you play a new song on your Spotify Desktop Client, your Hue Lights will change colour.
  • The dropdown toggle (See Below) will allow you to have your music sync to the Album Cover, Artist Picture or Artist Cover Image
  • Optionally, you can go to the Application's URL yourself to use the JSON for any purpose you would like


  • Access to the IP Address of the Container when bound to the Docker Host on a NON-HEADLESS system to initialise Spotify O-Auth - REQUIRED
  • Philips Hue or Similar Lighting Products (May Require Manual Tweaking) - OPTIONAL
  • Home Assistant + Node-Red Instance - OPTIONAL

Docker Configuration

Environment variable Description Notes
REDIS_HOST IP Address of Redis Docker Container Required
REDIS_PORT Port for Redis Container (Recommend to leave as 6379) Required - Default Redis Port is 6379 which can be overridden with a redis.conf
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID Spotify Client ID From Dev API Required - Obtain From
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET Spotify Client Secret from Dev API Required - Obtain From
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URL Full URL You Use to Access the App e.g. http://<docker-host-ip>:5000 if binding to host port Required - Set At
FLASK_SECRET_KEY Random String Used for Cookie Signing Required - See Recommended Practice to Set Secret Key here

This App Uses Port 5000 Internally for the Flask Server, therefore either route to this port with a Reverse Proxy, or bind it to a different port externally in the ports section of the docker-compose.yaml E.g.

  - 6000:5000 # External:Internal

Getting Started (Docker)

  • Download the Git Repository
  • Configure the Environment Variables explained above in docker-compose.yaml, then run docker-compose up -d. This will Build the Docker the Image Automatically the first time
  • Access the IP that is bound to the Docker Host in your Browser, on each container restart you will be prompted to log-in with your Spotify Credentials - This is a necessary Authorisation Flow Procedure that is required in order to obtain parts of the Spotify API That pertain to key scopes about your account (E.g. Currently Playing, What Devices are Playing...)


  • If something is playing on Spotify on your account, manually refreshing this page now will show the Song Information

Spotify Developer API Configuration

  • Please Login To using your Spotify Credentials
  • Press Create an App, Give it a Name & Description
  • Note Down the Apps Client ID and Client Secret once created and Fill These into the Docker Environment Variables

Windows Local Spotify Detection Script

What is it and why is it necessary?

  • This Script is currently required in order for the Node-Red flow to function. It runs a very simple Flask App.
  • This script utilises the win32gui module to check if Spotify is open on your Windows machine, and SwSpotify is used to determine what track is playing based on the window title
  • The Node-Red Flow will query this script by default Every 1 Second to decide whether a Request to the External Spotify API Is Necessary - else you would likely be rate limited very quickly.


  • Windows System (For Now...)
  • Spotify Desktop Installed
  • Python
  • Requirements.txt file in the same folder as the Script to be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Node - Optional

Recommended Running Practices

  • Personally I use Node-Forever combined with a simple batch script to run this Script in the Background on Boot. Node-Red will poll this script every second
cd C:\Users\<Username>
forever start -c python .\Documents\Github\Spotify-HueColourSync\Local_Spotify_Detection-Windows\
  • The Batch Script is Placed in the Windows Start-Up Folder: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Home-Assistant Configuration

Add the following to your configuration.yaml

    name: Sync Spotify to Lights or Not
    icon: mdi:autorenew

Navigate to Configuration ➡️ Helpers Configure a Dropdown Helper like this

⬇️ View Helper Configuration Image
  • Import the following into your Dashboard By Adding a Manual Tile and Pasting the YAML below
type: entities
  - entity: input_boolean.sync_or_not
    name: Sync Or Not
  - entity: input_select.album_artist_or_artist_cover_image
title: Sync Hue Music
⬇️ View Home Assistant Tile

Node-Red Configuration

  • Import the Node-Red Script by heading to the top right of Node-Red and pasting in the contents of the Node-Red_Spotify-HueColourSync.json into the textbox that appears


⬇️ View Node-Red Topology
  • Modify the Second Node in the Flow to contain the Flask Script IP:PORT Running on Windows and on Docker image

  • Modify the Entity id for each Hue Light (Final Row of Nodes In the Flow)

  • Modify the Entity id inside each of the Format Payload Functions


Some Understanding of JavaScript and Node-Red will allow you to increase or decrease the amount of lights in this script, or use different light sources entirely.

  • Add the Following Code to your Home Assistant Node-Red Configuration Pane Under Supervisor ➡️ Integrations ➡️ Node-Red ➡️ Configuration
  - jimp
  - color-convert
  • Modify Settings.js With the vscode nodered integration, browse to: node-red ➡️ settings.js and modify the following part of code to include the following
  functionGlobalContext: {

Be Sure to Restart your Node-Red Instance After Adding These Packages!

Future Development

  • TBC ⌛


A Flask App to return Currently Playing Song Information from the Official & Non Official Spotify API, with support to sync artwork to Philips Hue Lights using Node-Red






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