Plot and track your data across different time periods on an nv.d3 powered chart.
- Date formatting on x-axis
- Formatting of numbers on y-axis
- Interactive guidelines
- Different line color
- Filling of serie area
- Mendix 6
- X-axis
- X-axis label; Label for the x-axis
- X-axis data format; Formats of date on x-axis (use NVD3 date formatting)
- Enable stagger-labels; Display values on x-axis so they all fit
- Y-axis
- Y-axis label; Label for the y-axis
- Y-axis data format; Format of data on y-axis
- Series config
- Data series
- Data source
- Data entity; The entity containing serie points
- Source; Type of source
- X-Axis data; Attribute containing dates for x-axis
- Y-Axis data; Attribute containing data for y-axis
- Serie key; Used in the legend to interact with the chart
- Source - XPath
- Constraint; Constraint on the data from data-entity
- Source - microflow
- Data source microflow; Returns a serie's coordinates
- Appearance
- Serie color; Color of the serie line in the chart
- Fill serie area; Should serie area be filled
- Data source
- Data series
- Appearance
- Chart width; Width of the chart
- Width units; Measurement for width pixels or auto
- Chart height; Height of the chart
- Height units; Measurement for Height pixels or auto
Source and sample project at GitHub
Please contribute fixes and extensions at
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