Deployed version :
The SDS Viewer can now be launched directly from datasets and models on the SPARC Portal ( From the landing page for your dataset or model of interest, simply click the SDS Viewer button, it will launch the viewer with it already loaded. In addition, users can load SPARC datasets using two other methods:
Loading a SPARC Dataset from list:
Loading a dataset specifying DOI as parameter:
- Users can specify the DOI of a SPARC Portal dataset as a parameter on the URL and load it this way.
- For example, if user wants to load Dataset with DOI 10.26275/qskp-awpu, we can add the id as parameter : This will open up the SDS Viewer with the dataset already loaded.
Users can search for subjects, folders and files on the sidebar. Selecting an item on the sidebar will display the Metadata for it and zoom the Graph to its corresponding node.
Selecting an item on the Graph will display its Metadata.
- Navigating the Graph Viewer can be done with the mouse. There's also controlers on the bottom right that allows the user to change the Layout view, zoom in/out, reset the view to its original state and expand all data in the viewer.
- Multiple Datasets can be loaded at the same time, which will open a new Graph Viewer Component for each dataset.
The SPARC SDS Viewer uses SPARC Portal datasets.
- In the case of encountering an error, take a screenshot and report it with us please by opening an issue-clicking the Bug icon will take you to this page. If you don't have a GitHub account, please feel free to use the SPARC Contact form to provide your feedback.
- To go back , click on the 'x' to go back to the previous screen.