ezodf is a Python package to create new or open existing OpenDocument (ODF) files to extract, add, modify or delete document data.
a simple example:
from ezodf import newdoc, Paragraph, Heading, Sheet odt = newdoc(doctype='odt', filename='text.odt') odt.body += Heading("Chapter 1") odt.body += Paragraph("This is a paragraph.") odt.save() ods = newdoc(doctype='ods', filename='spreadsheet.ods') sheet = Sheet('SHEET', size=(10, 10)) ods.sheets += sheet sheet['A1'].set_value("cell with text") sheet['B2'].set_value(3.141592) sheet['C3'].set_value(100, currency='USD') sheet['D4'].formula = "of:=SUM([.B2];[.C3])" pi = sheet[1, 1].value ods.save()
for more examples see: /examples folder
- lxml <http://codespeak.net/lxml/> for painless serialisation with prefix declaration (xlmns:prefix="global:namespace:specifier") in the root element. Declarations for unused prefixes are also possible.
The target platform is CPython 2.7 and CPython 3.3+, work on compability with CPython 2.6 is in progress.
with pip:
pip install ezodf
or from source:
python setup.py install
send feedback to [email protected]
ezodf can be found on GitHub at: