The goal is to provide a development flow that covers mulitple deployment envirments using the same code base
- Local native deployment using python venv and node installs
- Docker containers with docker compose commands
- Cloud deployment with Lambdas and ECS Fargate Tasks
- Primary services are ones that manipulate data and those are subject to orchestration
- Secondary services are used for stateless and instant data transformation such as REST API endpoints
- Orchestration is based on data flow only, which means that services do not exchange control events but rather events triggered on data production
- Local ochestration is based on MQTT which mirrors main artifacts creation in cache (A main artifact is a cache path)
- Global or cross services orchestatrion is based on an S3 bucket with lambdas for webhooks notification or services triggers
- Create an ECS task that watches an S3 Object, triggers when it is updated, process it then stops
- Host stateless services for simple data transformation
testing s3 access
- created a bucket => BUCKET_NAME
- provide perissions to IAM user
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker compose build server
docker tag aws-sandbox-server:latest
docker push
- ECS > Clusters > HelloWebCluster > Tasks > Task running with a Task Definition
- in the Networking security group, the inboud rule for port 3000 needs to be added
- Sagemaker pipeline
- Step functions with Lambdas
- Fargate with triggers
- AWS Batch
- custom with EC2 Spot instances
- EKS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Perfect :
- Metaflow :
- AWS Step Functions
- Dagster :
- Flyte :
- Argo Workflows :
- Custom Python and Docker