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RFID Reader Special

alex-voigt edited this page Dec 9, 2018 · 11 revisions

Special RFID reader connections

This document is for those who use a non-USB reader. The readers which were discussed in the forums are:

Because the "one py script fits all" resulted in many USB devices NOT to work anymore, I got careful.

If you are using a non-USB card, you need to use the experimental version of scripts/ which is called scripts/

cp /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/ /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/
chmod +x /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/scripts/

NOTE: if you git pull this file will be overwritten. You need to execute the above lines after git pull.

Because you are using a non USB reader and know how to use a soldering iron, I will keep this doc raw for the time being. Feel free to edit the wiki and add more information.

CPU utilization. Fixes #275. (2018-11-25)

Based on @keinkurt 's integration work and @varac 's comment on the issue the pi-rc522 library was integrated. Docs on prerequisites and hardware setup for this are found here: The problem with MFRC522 is that it will constantly poll for new cards in an infinite loop and therefore leaving little CPU time to the actual playback. On a Pi zero and using the already resource-intensive mopidy-spotify extension this was a showstopper for me. Using pi-rc522 the CPU load of was decreased to < 5%. Pi-rc522 uses an extra IRQ pin to make the process block until a new card is actually found.


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RFID Reader

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