Jobly was created to test my skills with developing a platform that users can consitently post and interact with. This test my skills with developing a thought out UI & UX. Also managing a form to create post to handle mark down. With SEO in mind I implemented search params that can be updated depending on how the user is filtering for a job, meaning if you filter for a job the seach params are updated and can the link can shared and those filters are applied to who ever views the link.
- Search Filtering
- Markdown Form Input Field
- Admin Portal ( View pending jobs, Approve / Decline Pending Jobs )
Admin Dashboard:
Home Page:
Filtered Job Results:
Job Submitted UI:
Client: NextJS 14, TailwindCSS, Shadcn UI, Clerk Auth,
Server: NextJS Server Actions, Prisma ORM, PostgreSQL
Save Jobs
User Login / Register
Resume Upload