Standalone package to handle beam spot stuff
cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z
cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
git-cms-addpkg RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer
cd RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/python
git clone
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
scram b -r -j8
git clone
cd BeamspotTools
source set_environment.[c]sh # this adds the base BeamspotTools directory to your PYTHONPATH variable
This is used in BeamSpot class to correctly propagate the uncertainties when computing the proper beam spot width from projections and tilts.
For the package information:
# local installation, e.g. on lxplus, by default this points to the python2.6 library
pip install --user uncertainties
# but you need to have uncertainties available in python2.7, which is CMSSW's python, so, in a fresh shell do
scl enable python27 csh
pip install --user uncertainties