Researcher @ Robotics Lab of IDSIA in Switzerland 🇨🇭, on Self-Supervised Robot Learning for Visual Perception.
- What I'm up to, Self-supervised learning for robot-to-robot localization.
- October 2024, The article "Learning to Estimate the Pose of a Peer Robot in a Camera Image by Predicting the States of its LEDs" has been published on the proceedings of IROS 2024.
- September 2024, The extended abstract "Multi-LED Classification as Pretext For Robot Heading Estimation" has been presented at ICRA@40. Check out the arXiv preprint.
- June 2024, The article I co-authored "Vision-state Fusion: Improving Deep Neural Networks for Autonomous Robotics" has been published on the JIRS journal.
- February 2024, The article "Self-Supervised Learning of Visual Robot Localization Using LED State Prediction as a Pretext Task" has been published on the RAL journal.
- December 2023, Defended my doctoral thesis on "Self-Supervised Robot Learning for Spatial Perception" available here.
- March 2023, Concluded a 5 months internship at MagicLeap, Zurich office, on weakly/self-supervised object pose estimation.
- June 2022, The article I co-authored "Visual Servoing with Geometrically Interpretable Neural Perception" has been published on the proceedings of IROS 2022.
- April 2022, The article "Learning Visual Localization of a Quadrotor using its Noise as Self-Supervision" has been published on the RAL journal. Check out the video.
- July 2021, The article "Uncertainty-Aware Self-Supervised Learning of Spatial Perception Tasks" has been published on the RAL journal. Check out the video.
- February 2021, The article "State-Consistency Loss for Learning Spatial Perception Tasks From Partial Labels" has been published on the RAL journal. Check out the video.
- January 2021, The article I co-authored "On the benefits of domain adaptation techniques for quality of transmission estimation in optical networks" has been published on the JOCN journal.
- February 2020, The article I co-authored "Path Planning With Local Motion Estimations" has been published on the RAL journal. Download the video here.
- April 2019, Proud to have one of my articles listed in the curated page of Awesome Self-Supervised Learning
- February 2019, My first article "Learning long-range perception using self-supervision from short-range sensors and odometry" has been published on the RAL journal.
- January 2019, A demo of my master thesis work "Learning to Perceive Long-Range Obstacles Using Self-Supervision from Short-Range Sensors" has been shown at AAAI 2019 in Honolulu HI. Check out the video.
- January 2019, Started my doctoral studies at Robotics Lab of IDSIA .