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# Git path

# Clone the repository
git clone --mirror $DOTFILES

# Make the bare repo accessed via an alias
alias dotfiles="git --git-dir=$DOTFILES --work-tree=$HOME"

# Make it sparse
dotfiles config core.sparsecheckout true

# Don't clone
echo $'/*\n!' > $DOTFILES/info/sparse-checkout

# Bring in the files
dotfiles checkout -f

# We are done with it

# Source and execute the setup
. ~/

What will be installed

  • libssl-dev
  • curl
  • git
  • libfuse2 - For running AppImages
  • tmux (Optional)
    • jimeh/tmux-themepack
  • neovim
    • wbthomason/packer.nvim - Plugin manager
    • Mofiqul/vscode.nvim - VSCode Dark+ theme
    • neoclide/coc.nvim - Auto completion
      • coc-json
      • coc-yaml
      • coc-pairs
      • coc-snippets
      • Others depending on whether that language is installed
    • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
      • json
      • yaml
      • Others depending on whether that language is installed
    • nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim - Status line and tabline
    • nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons
    • vim-utils/vim-man - Man pages
    • folke/todo-comments.nvim
  • C/C++ (Optional)
    • g++
    • cmake
      • Sets CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS to 1, all CMake projects will create compile_commands.json automatically
    • ninja-build
      • Sets CMAKE_GENERATOR environment variable to Ninja, all CMake projects will be built with Ninja
    • clangd-15
    • Coc extensions:
      • coc-clangd
      • coc-cmake
    • Treesitters:
      • c
      • cpp
      • cmake
  • Java (Optional)
    • openjdk-19-jdk-headless
    • Coc extensions:
      • coc-java
    • Treesitters:
      • java
  • HTML, CSS, JS (Optional)
    • live-server - To make documents hot refresh
    • Coc extensions:
      • coc-html
      • coc-css
      • coc-tsserver
      • coc-emmet
    • Treesitters:
      • html
      • css
      • javascript
      • typescript
  • Python (Optional)
    • Regardless of whether Python is chosen to be installed, Python and pip will be installed later
    • Coc extensions:
      • coc-pyright
    • Treesitters:
      • python
  • Lua (Optional)
    • lua5.4 (Optional)
    • Coc extensions:
      • coc-sumneko-lua
    • Treesitters:
      • lua
  • nodejs - Needed for coc.nvim
  • python3
  • python3-pip
  • pynvim - Needed for coc-snippets
  • bash-completion - Auto-completion for bash commands
  • cykerway/complete-alias
    • In .config/.complete_alias by default it is set to auto-complete all aliases
  • grep - Regular expressions (regex)
  • JetBrainsMono v2.3.3 Font
    • On a non-Windows machine it also installs:
      • fontconfig
      • unzip (If the font isn't already installed)

Bash aliases

Set according to .config/.bashrc, by default:

  • v - Launchs neovim
  • vsudo - Launchs neovim with sudo
  • dotfiles - Acts on this repository using git
  • see - Opens file explorer on Windows, or opens the browser if an HTML file is given to it
  • sdown - Shutdown
  • ginit - git init
  • gs - git status
  • ga - git add
  • grm - git rm
  • grmstaged - grm --cached
  • grest - git restore
  • gc - git commit
  • gca - gc -a - Git commit all, including unstaged
  • gcm - gc -m - Git commit staged with message
  • gcam - gca -m - Git commit all, including unstaged, with message
  • gcma - gcam
  • gp - git push
  • gpod - gp origin -d - Git delete branch remotely
  • gpuo - gp -u origin - Git push upstream
  • gpf - gp -f - Git push forcefully
  • gpfwl - gp --force-with-lease - Git push forcefully, but ask nicely before doing so
  • gpl - git pull
  • grst - git reset
  • grsth - grst --hard
  • gb - git branch
  • gba - gb -a - Git show branches, including remote
  • gbd - gb -d - Git delete branch
  • gbD - gb -D - Git delete branch forcefully
  • gch - git checkout
  • gchb - gch -b - Git checkout into new branch
  • gbch - gchb
  • gm - git merge
  • gms - gm --squash - Git merge other branch into current branch, squashing all commits into one
  • grb - git rebase
  • grem - git remote
  • grema - grem add
  • gremao - grema origin
  • gfch - git fetch
  • gfcha - gfch --all
  • gfchp - gfch --prune
  • giff - git diff
  • glog - git log


All key bindings are defaults, and two are added:

  • CTRL+w | - Split horizontally
  • CTRL+w - - Split vertically


All key bindings are defaults, except for splits, they are rebound to:

  • CTRL+b | - Split horizontally
  • CTRL+b - - Split vertically
  • CTRL+b b - Show/hide status line


These are made by the, not accounting for other symlinks made by package installations

  • clangd -> clangd-15
  • python -> python3


On Windows Subsystem for Linux it enables systemd, takes effect after a reboot


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