A java client that handles HMAC auth to Modulr API
- A Gradle installation
- Access to Modulr API catalogue ( You can sign up at the Modulr Developer Portal )
Generate a Swagger Java Client for Modulr API
- Retrieve the Modulr api definition in json format from the Modulr Developer Portal
- Paste this json into the Online Swagger Editor Demo by using
File -> Paste json
menu - Generate a java client by using
Generate Client -> Java
menu - A gradle project of the swagger java client will be downloaded, build this project by using running
gradle clean assemble
Clone this repository
Optionally, modify the Gradle build file to use the correct path to generated java client from the previous step
compile files('../swagger-java-client/build/libs/swagger-java-client-' + SWAGGER_JAVA_CLIENT_VERSION + '.jar')
Build the hmac client jar using
gradle clean build
Use this jar (at build/libs/java-hmac-api-client-1.0.0.jar ) in your project to interact with the Modulr API. An example is available at ExampleClient also reproduced below
import com.modulr.modulo.api.ModuloApiClient; import com.modulr.modulo.api.ModuloErrorException; import io.swagger.client.ApiClient; import io.swagger.client.Configuration; import io.swagger.client.api.PaymentsApi; public class ExampleClient { private static final String API_KEY = "<<Your api key>>"; private static final String HMAC_SECRET = "<<Your hmac secret>>"; private static final String API_BASE_URL = "https://api-sandbox.modulrfinance.com/api-sandbox/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ApiClient apiClient = new ModuloApiClient(); apiClient.setApiKey(API_KEY); apiClient.setApiKeyPrefix(HMAC_SECRET); apiClient.setBasePath(API_BASE_URL); Configuration.setDefaultApiClient(apiClient); try { System.out.println(new PaymentsApi().getPaymentDetails("P1100005X9")); } catch (ModuloErrorException e) { System.err.println("API Exception:" + e.getErrors()); } } }