Brotli can reduce file sizes by up to 30% more than gzip.
This is a simple bundle with Brotli compression that falls back to Gzip and deflate
You can download this bundle in the NuGet.
You can use this like the current bundle
/* JS */
bundles.Add(new BrotliScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval", new JsMinify()).Include(
bundles.Add(new BrotliScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery",
/* CSS */
bundles.Add(new BrotliStyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css", new CssMinify()).Include(
bundles.Add(new BrotliStyleBundle("~/Content/bootstrap",
Thanks to nolleto (Author of GzipBundle)
Thanks to XieJJ99 (Author of Brotli.Net)