This repository aims to formalize mathematical theorems that are commonly used in the Signal Processing and Communication fields, in the LƎⱯN 4
programming language. We build on top of mathlib4
"The math library of Lean 4".
For now the material I am targetting is the material covered by Prof. Ahmed S. Salem in the AMCS 249 course taught at KAUST. Video recordings of the lectures can be found on the Prof. Sultan's Youtube Channel. The Materials/Notes have been generously placed on a public Google Drive Link.
This is a preliminary transcription of the notes titles. Later I am hoping to modify it to include the "main" theorems formalized along the way.
Background Material
- Supremum, Infimum, Maximum and Minimum (Probably in
) - Eigenanalysis (seems mostly in
) - Vector Norms
- Block Square Matrices
- Jointly Gaussian Random Variables and Guassian Random Vectors
- Proper Complex Random Variables
- Proper Complex Random Vectors
- Functions of Random Variables
- Chernoff Bound
- Poisson Random Processes
- CTFT Table
- DTFT Table
- 2D Fourier Transform
- Continuity of Probability and Borel-Cantelli Lemma.
- Supremum, Infimum, Maximum and Minimum (Probably in
Linear Algebra
- 01 SVD.pdf
- Singular Value Decomposition Derivation (Page 1 - 3)
- Frobenious Norm equals Sum of Singular Values (Page 3)
- Moore-Penroose Pseudo Inverse (Page 4)
- 02 Matrix Norms
- Conditions of Matrix Norms (i, ii, iii, iv) (Page 1)
- Reverse triangle inequality (Page 1)
- Frobenious Norm (Page 2)
- Submultiplicativity of Frobenious Norm
- Induced Matrix Norms (Page 3)
$L_1, L_2, L_\infty$ norms (Page 4 - 5) - Relations between
$L_p$ norms. (Page 5) -
$L_p$ norm of diagonal matrices (Page 5)
- Spectral Radius (Page 6)
- Gelfand's Formula (Page 7)
- Condition number of Matrix/Linear System Errors (Page 8)
- Nuclear Norm (Page 9)
- 03 Projection Matrices
- Projector Matrix
- Matrix Norm
- Uniqueness
- Orthogonal Projector
- Least Squares Problem
- Eigenvalues of a Projector
- Sum of Projection Matrices
- Projector Matrix
- 04 Perron Frobenius Theorem
- Statement and Proof (6 pages)
- Primitive Matrices
- Irreducible Non-negative Matrices
- 01 SVD.pdf
Convexity and Optimization
- Convex and Concave Functions
- Concavity of Log Det Function
- Distance Function
- Farkas Lemma
- Closedness of S Subset in Farkas Lemma
- Strong Duality of Linear Program
- Gradient Desecnt
- Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Descent
- KKT Conditions
- Diferentiation with Respect to Vectors and Matrices
- Random Coordinate Descent
Discrete Fourier Transform
- Review
- Multidimensional Sampling and Quantization
- Poisson Summation Formula
- Discrete Time Convolution Examples
- CTFT Tables
- DTFT Tables
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- DFT Table
- Linear and Circular Convolutions.
- DFT Uncertainity Relation.
- DFT and FFT
Convergence of Sequences of Random Variables
- Kolmogorov Maximal Inequality - Hajek Renyi Inequality - Kronecker's Lemma - Cesaro's Lemma
- Definitions of Convergences and Criteria - Weak law of Large numbers - Dominated Convergence - Continuous Mapping Theorem
- Characteristic Functions - Central Limit Theorem (IID Case)
- Lattic RVs.
- Strong Law of Large numbers
Renewal Processes
Discrete Time Markov Chains
- The Markovian Property
- Transition Probability Matrix.
- Strong Markovian Property and Stopping Times
- Abel Limit's Theorem.
- First Passage Probabilities and State Classification
- Communicating States
- Discrete Renewal Equation.
- Irreducible Discrete Time Markov Chains.
Continuous Time Markov Chains
Random Walks