One of the highlights of the Gazebo 4.0.0 release is the added support for the trending VR platform: Oculus-Rift. This navigator is a simple tool that exploits the capabilities of the simulation environment's physics-engine to provide you with the ultimate virtual-reality experience in Gazebo. So simulation will no longer be just a part of development, but instead act as a new medium to demostrate your product to clients in its work environment (in the glory of full-scale).
Oculus-Rift Gazebo Navigator was featured on Gazebo's blog (Open Source Robotics Foundation).
Checkout the real AGV by Hope Technik: SESTO Autonomous Trolley.
Core: ROS Hydro, Catkin: see package.xml
Custom Requirements: Gazebo 4.0.0, oculussdk
Other Requirements: ps3joy (Ubuntu) or osx_joystick (OSX)
See the wiki for more details.
Spawn Navigator (Empty world):
$ roslaunch oculus_gazebo_navigator example_oculus_ps3.launch
Credit: Jonathan Bohren
Select Button: robot mode control
default - toggle autonomous navigation mode
a. Hold L2 - toggle isolated-bot control mode
b. Hold R2 - toggle mirror-bot mode (playback rosbag data)
Left Joystick: virtual-camera maneuver
Normal-bot control:
default - walking speed
a. Hold L2 - running speedIsolated-bot control:
default - normal speed (x, y bot maneuver)
b. Hold L2 - high speed (x, y bot maneuver) -
Right Joystick: robot-teleop
Normal-bot control:
default - normal speed (x, y bot maneuver)
a. Hold R2 - normal speed rotation (yaw bot maneuver)
b. Hold L2 - high speed (x, y bot maneuver)
c. Hold R2 & L2 - high speed rotation (yaw bot maneuver)Isolated-bot control:
default - normal speed rotation (yaw bot maneuver)
a. Hold L2 - high speed rotation (yaw bot maneuver) -
Start Button:
All bot-control modes:
default – reset robot to spawn positionMirror-bot control:
Hold L2 & R2 - calibrate robot's origin frame offset -
Up Button: customizable request 1
Right Button: customizable request 2
Down Button: customizable request 3
Left Button: customizable request 4
Cross Button: toggle "X-ray vision" mode
Triangle Button: toggle "IronMan" mode
default - toggle gravity
a. R1 - up booster
b. L1 - down booster -
Square Button: toggle "Phasing" mode
Although you can control the virtual-camera using your keyboard, it's recommended that you use a PS3 controller for a more immersive experience. Also see issue #2.
To start the controller:
$ rosrun oculus_gazebo_navigator oculus_keyboard_controller
'w' forward, 's' back, 'a' left, 'd' right
'z' rotate leftwards, 'c' rotate rightwards
To run, hold 'shift' first and then press the corresponding buttons
'Q' to quit (i.e. Shift + 'q')