The MonetDB server code has been split into a separately useable single library for integration with a host language. The functionality offered encompasses the complete server functionality, but using a directly loadable library or 'pip install monetdbe'
To test and illustrate the functionality, and give a bootstrap for users to use it in their daily life, we collected a handful of small examples to try it out.
program | description |
helloworld.{c, py} | just start/stop an :inmemory: database |
getstarted.{c, py} | a simple application framework | | an educational example based on a people database | | an edcucational example based on a movie database | | a snippet of the infamous movie database |
tumble.c | switching between different databases |
kickoff.c | the kickoff example to test part of the api | | the prototypical TPCH scale-factor 1 data warehouse | | the NYC taxi example |
logs.c | a snippet of the inhouse qa database |
proxy.c | a minimalistic monetdbe connection via the monetdbe remote capabilities with it self as a server setup |
multiconnections.c | multiple connections from same program |
Feel free to propose other tiny examples that help users to explore the system. As a more extensive QA activity is ongoing, it may lead to smaller changes in the interfaces. Please report any issue with the code on stack-overflow.
For details on installing monetdbe see A quick guide to compile and install from source to create a library for your C application:
git clone MonetDB
cd MonetDB
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build .
This results in the library to be created and stored .../lib64/ or .../build/tools/monetdbe/ The necessary include file monetdbe.h is located in the same place.
Continue with the compilation of the examples using
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<monetdb-installation-prefix>/share/monetdb/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<monetdb-installation-prefix> ..
cmake --build .
If the MonetDB cmake files aren't found you could apply the monetdbe-examples.diff using patch and use:
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$prefix/lib64/pkgconfig/ cmake .. #were $prefix is your monetdb install path