Use SVG documents in Xojo. SVG is an XML document with special tags. You can load SVG files and render to Picture or Group2D objects. Also can create and manipulate SVG docs.
Dim svg As New SVGDocument(SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("Example.svg"))
'Render to picture:
Dim myPicture As Picture= svg.ToPicture
'Render to Group2D:
Dim myGroup As Group2D= svg.ToGroup2D
'You can use FolderItem extended methods:
Dim myFile As FolderItem= SpecialFolder.Documents.Child("Example.svg")
Dim svg As SVGDocument= myFile.OpenAsSVG
Dim myPicture As Picture= myFile.OpenAsSVG
Dim myGroup As Group2D= myFile.OpenAsSVG
IDE From RealStudio 2011r4 to Xojo 2019r9.1
Copy SVGDocument
folder to your project.
Thanks Zoclee for examples and others stuffs.