To use with ONI-Modloader. More info:
Forums in Klei:
- Please DON'T REPORT BUGS you encounter to Klei while mods are active.
- BE AWARE that many of the mods are still a WIP and may fail. If you are having problems use a clean ONI installation and try to test the mods one by one to narrow the error. Then post a issue in github.
- We do not take any responsibility for broken saves or any other damage. Use this software at your own risk.
- If you load a savegame, it requires that you have exactly the same mods when you saved it.
This project uses source code of and is based on:
NOTE: Compiled for EU-280450 and ONI-Modloader v0.4.5
- AlternateOrdersMod: The Fabricators and Refineries will alternate between infinity orders. Made by @javisar.
- BuildableAETNMod: Makes the AETN buildable and researchable. 20k Refined Metal. There is no preprint sprite. Made by @javisar.
- CameraControllerMod: Enable further zoom-outs in play and dev mode (taken from @Moonkis Onion patcher, adapted by @Killface1980).
- CustomWorldMod: Enables the player to use custom world sizes. (Made by @Moonkis, remade by @Killface1980)
- DisplayDraggedBoxSize: Shows selected rectangle dimensions using any tool. Made by @fistak.
- FastModeMod: Duplicants will build and dig very fast. Made by @javisar.
- FluidPhysicsMod: Overwrite some fluids molar mass to make them equal, this produces more mixing. Very Experimental. (Oxygen,Hydrogen,ChlorineGas,ContaminatedOxygen,Propane,Helium,Methane,CarbonDioxide,Water,DirtyWater,CrudeOil,Petroleum). Made by @javisar.
- FluidWarpMod: Teleports liquids and gases between places. Made by @javisar.
- GasTankMod: Storage for gases. Made by @javisar.
- InstantResearchMod: Forces instant research without Debug mode. Made by @javisar.
- InverseElectrolyzerMod: Combines hydrogen and oxygen into steam. Uses oxygen from the environment. Made by @javisar.
- InverseElectrolyzerAltMod: Combines hydrogen and oxygen into steam. Uses two input conduits instead of getting oxygen from the environment. Made by @javisar.
- LiquidTankMod: Storage for liquids. Made by @javisar.
- MoreMaterialsMod: Allows the construction of some buildings with any material (Doors, filters, bed, canvas, tables, wall fire pole, sculptures, shower, toilets, wash basins, bridges, conduits/wires, ladder, pumps, valves, ventS, tiles, lockers, sensors and gates). Made by @javisar.
- NaphthaViscosityMod: Recovers the old behaviour in Naphtha. Sets the viscosity to 0 and allows building vertical airlocks. Made by @javisar.
- NoFixedTemps: The output fluid temperatures of the machinery depends on the input (Except AirFilter, AlgaeTerraium and PacuCleaner). Made by @javisar.
- PressureDoorMod: Removes the energy need for the mechanized pressure door and makes it buildable from all material. Made by @Killface1980.
- RoomSizeMod: Recognizes rooms (count cells) to a room size maximum of 1024. Doubles the maximum room size for all rooms. Made by @javisar.
- SculpturesReloadedMod: Adds a new sculpture building that allows more materials. Made by @javisar.
- SensorsMod: Allows for increased ranges in automation sensors (Made by @fistak, adapted by @Killface1980).
- SpeedControlMod: Overwrites the method SpeedControlScreen.OnChange. Fast Speed set to behave like Ultra Speed in debug mode. Made by @javisar.
- StorageLockerMod: Storage lockers won't need a foundation to be built. Made by @Killface1980.
- ONI-Common: Common code, required by these mods:
- ImprovedGasColourMod: Replaces the oxygen overlay with gas overlay. Also visualizes the density (Made by @fistak and @Killface1980).
- MaterialColor: Adds an overlay option to visualize what a building is made of (Made by @fistak, adapted by @Killface1980).
- OnionPatches: Custom world seeds. DebugHandler hook. Made by @Moonkis, adapted by @Killface1980
Outdated mods:
- CritterNumberSensor: Sensor for the critter number in a room (original from R9MX4). Have a look to the new one from @Cairath here.
- DraggablePanelMod: Makes panels draggable (Made by @fistak, adapted by @Killface1980).
- InsulatedDoorsMod: Adds a new element Insulated Pressure Door. Requires ONI-Common. Made by @javisar.
- Patches (Do not use): Some incomplete tests.
More Harmony based mods in:
- Choose 'Clone or download'.
- Put the desired dlls into the Mods folder "OxygenNotIncluded\Mods".
- Be sure to also copy all config and icons folders.