A calculator repl that uses Polish notation. This implementation is from the book Build Your Own Lisp. My version has the following added features:
- double precision floating point values
operator- negation with
- more to come...
1 + 2 + 6
is+ 1 2 6
6 + (2 * 9)
is+ 6 (* 2 9)
(10 * 2) / (4 + 2)
is/ (* 10 2) (+ 4 2)
- Clone repo
- run
gcc parsing.c mpc-0.9.0/mpc.c -ledit -lm -o parsing && ./parsing
in terminal - enter equation and press enter
- gcc (mingw or WSL if you are on windows)
- editline (OSX and Linux)
- Micro Parser Combinators for parser
- www.buildyourownlisp.com