This is a Nest module for limit http calls per timespan.
Sometimes a server you want to access has a rate limit. In this case you have to limit your requests against this server.
This Module provides an easy-to-use service with the same API like the HttpService of Nest.JS
$ npm i --save @codemonkeys-island/nest-http-queue
Import the HttpQueueModule in your app.module.ts (or feature module)
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HttpQueueModule } from '@codemonkeys-island/nest-http-queue';
imports: [
export class AppModule {
Inject the Queue Service and use it like the HttpService.
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HttpQueueService } from '@codemonkeys-island/nest-http-queue';
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { AxiosResponse } from "axios";
export class RequestService {
constructor(private httpQueueService: HttpQueueService) {
* Queued Request
requestExternalData(): Observable<AxiosResponse<any>> {
return this.httpQueueService.get<any>('');
this.httpQueueService.get<any>('');<any>('', {});
this.httpQueueService.put<any>('', {});
this.httpQueueService.patch<any>('', {});
this.httpQueueService.request<any>({url: ''});
Default configruation for rate limit queue is 10 requests per 10000ms and a shared queue ist disabled.
If a project needs a shared queue (if the request resources are limited for example) please enable it via sharedQueue: true
default: {
sharedQueue: false,
maxRequests: 10,
timespan: 10000,
For specific hosts you could define specific rules.
rules: {
"": {
maxRequests: 10,
timespan: 10000,
To inject a custom configuration just initialize the module with a configuration.
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HttpQueueModule } from '@codemonkeys-island/nest-http-queue';
imports: [
default: {
maxRequests: 5,
timespan: 1000
export class AppModule {
Beside of host based queues or a shared queue there is one other queue: custom rule
rules: {
"custom-rule": {
maxRequests: 100,
timespan: 100,
return this.httpQueueService.get<any>('', {}, 'custom-rule');
- Author - mrbacony
- Nest Http Queue is MIT licensed.