TableTracker is a desktop application developed in Python that facilitates tracking and managing SQLite database tables. This application allows you to execute SQL queries on SQLite databases, visualize the results, and edit your queries.
- Assigned by Asc. Prof. Dr. Bora CANBULA
To create the necessary virtual environment in the project directory, run the following command:
conda create -n TableTracker python=3.11 pip -y
Activate the created virtual environment:
conda activate TableTracker
To install required modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
For reformatting use black. It reformat for pep8 as same as pylint but better !!!
black .
To start the application, run the following command:
python table_tracker
.When the application starts, you can create a new SQLite database or connect to an existing one. Write your SQL queries in the text box and execute the query by clicking the "Execute" button. The results will be displayed in the "Output Window" section.
For running pylint
pylint ./table_tracker/ ./test/
For running unittest
python -m unittest discover -v