A handy list of public hashcodes for various Eurocom games, all in one place. Useful for cross-checking.
Hashcodes, later renamed to UIDs are the actual names, or human-readable tags, of objects and files in EngineX titles.
Internally, they are stored as some kind of incrementing hexadecimal serial number, and the higher parts of the number sort/group them into hierarchical groups of things, like text string IDs, game objectives, EDB IDs and anything that needs a way of being uniquely addressed globally.
These tags map those weird, meaningless numbers into the names they originally used.
The textual representation is optional, the game only loads them for developer convenience and aren't needed for the normal functioning of the game, sometimes they were shipped with the final files and sometimes wasn't. Depending on the team.
These are collected from all over the place, generally from pre-release/debug/review/preview/beta/demo builds publicly available on the Internet.
You can understand your favorite game much better, even by extrapolating values from other nearby titles. If you are into disciplines like game modding, romhacking, engine internals, reversing, datamining or the technical side of speedrunning this may be of interest. I hope. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
«The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor»'s internal codename, seemingly the short form of Brethen Court, from Pirates of the Caribbean. Another fun fact, the codename for Eurocom's version of Quantum of Solace is Robin. Don't ask me. :)