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move Grid library to a proper place. And update to OO moose
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Juke34 committed Oct 22, 2019
1 parent f861e32 commit 27806eb
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Showing 10 changed files with 490 additions and 712 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions annotation/BILS/Grid/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package BilsGridRunner;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use base qw (GridRunner); ## really just for aesthetics
use List::Util qw (shuffle);
use FindBin;


## find the path to the LSF_perl_lib directory.
foreach my $dir (@INC) {
if (-d "$dir/LSF_perl_lib") {
push (@INC, "$dir/LSF_perl_lib");
## find the path to the SLURM_perl_lib directory.
foreach my $dir (@INC) {
if (-d "$dir/SLURM_perl_lib") {
push (@INC, "$dir/SLURM_perl_lib");

use Run_Bsub;
use Cwd;

sub run_on_grid {
my ($args) = @_ ;

my (@cmds, $scheduler, $queueu);
if( ! defined($args->{cmds}) ) {print "No command provided.\n";exit;} else{ @cmds = $args->{cmds}; }
if( ! defined($args->{scheduler})) {$scheduler="slurm"; print "Default scheduler used: $scheduler\n"} else{ $scheduler = $args->{scheduler}; }
if( ! defined($args->{queueu})) {$queueu=undef;} else{ $queueu = $args->{queueu}; }

@cmds = shuffle @cmds;

if($scheduler eq "slurm"){
&Run_Slurm::set_memory("4"); # 4 G of RAM
#&Run_Bsub::set_mount_test(cwd()); # only run on nodes with a verified mount
my @failed_cmds = &Run_Slurm::run(@cmds);
elsif($scheduler eq "lsf"){
&Run_Bsub::set_memory("4"); # 4 G of RAM
#&Run_Bsub::set_mount_test(cwd()); # only run on nodes with a verified mount
my @failed_cmds = &Run_Bsub::run(@cmds);
print "Scheduler $scheduler not implemented yet. <slurm> and <lsf> are the only possible choice currently\n";

if (@failed_cmds) {

my $num_failed_cmds = scalar(@failed_cmds);

print STDERR "$num_failed_cmds commands failed during grid computing.\n";


else {
print "All commands completed successfully on the computing grid.\n";


153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions annotation/BILS/Grid/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package Bsub;

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
use Carp;
use Moose;
use BILS::Grid::GridRunner;

extends 'GridRunner';

has scheduler => ('is' => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'LSF');

# The BUILD method is called after an object is created.
# Here it is used to set all different folders used to store logging
sub BUILD {
can_run('bsub') or croak 'bsub command does not exist. Cannot run jobs!';

sub _submit_job {
my $self = shift;
my $num_cmds_launched = shift;

my $num_cmds = $self->{num_cmds};
my $cmds_per_node = $self->{cmds_per_node};
my $cmds_list_aref = $self->{cmds_list};

my $log_dir = $self->{log_dir};
my $retvals_dir = $self->{retvals_dir};
my $cmds_dir = $self->{cmds_dir};
my $monitor_dir = $self->{monitor_dir};

my $orig_num_cmds_launched = $num_cmds_launched;

my $shell_script = "$cmds_dir/J$$.S${num_cmds_launched}.sh";
open (my $fh, ">$shell_script") or die $!;
print $fh "#!/bin/sh\n\n";


my $num_cmds_written = 0;

my $monitor_started = "$monitor_dir/$num_cmds_launched.started";
my $monitor_finished = "$monitor_dir/$num_cmds_launched.finished";

my @cmd_indices_prepped;

while ($num_cmds_launched < $num_cmds && $num_cmds_written < $cmds_per_node) {
my $next_cmd_index = $num_cmds_launched; #always one less than the current index
my $cmd_string = $cmds_list_aref->[ $next_cmd_index ];

push (@cmd_indices_prepped, $next_cmd_index);

my $retval_bin = int($next_cmd_index / $self->retval_bin_size());

my $retval_subdir = "$retvals_dir/$retval_bin";
unless (-d $retval_subdir) {
mkdir $retval_subdir or die "Error, cannot mkdir $retval_subdir";

print $fh "## Command index $next_cmd_index\n"
. "touch $monitor_started\n"
. "$cmd_string\n"
. 'echo $? >> ' . "$retval_subdir/entry_$next_cmd_index.ret\n\n";


print $fh "\n"
. "rm -f $monitor_started\n"
. "touch $monitor_finished\n"
. "\n"
. "exit 0\n\n";

close $fh;
chmod (0775, $shell_script);

print "Submitting: $shell_script to bsub\n" if $self->verbose;

my $cmd = undef;
my $queue = $self->{queue};
my $cmd = "bsub -q $queue -e $shell_script.stderr -o $shell_script.stdout ";
my $cmd = "bsub -e $shell_script.stderr -o $shell_script.stdout ";
if (my $memory = $self->{memory}) {
$cmd .= " -R \"rusage[mem=$memory]\" ";
#if (my $mount_test = $self->{mount_test}) {
# $cmd .= " -E \"/broad/tools/NoArch/pkgs/local/checkmount $mount_test && [ -e $mount_test ]\" ";
# }
if (my $group = $self->{group}) {
$cmd .= " -G $group ";

$cmd .= " $shell_script 2>&1 ";

my $job_id_text = `$cmd`;
# print STDERR "\n$job_id_text\n";

my $ret = $?;
if ($ret) {
print STDERR "BSUB failed to accept job: $cmd\n (ret $ret)\n";

unlink $shell_script; # cleanup, try again later

sleep(2*60); # sleep 2 minutes for now. Give the system time to recuperate if a problem exists
return ($orig_num_cmds_launched);


else {

$shell_script = basename($shell_script);
open (my $logdir_jobsfh, ">>$log_dir/job_ids.txt") or die "Error, cannot open file $log_dir/job_ids.txt";
## get the job ID and log it:
if ($job_id_text =~ /Job \<(\d+)\>/) {
my $job_id = $1;
print $logdir_jobsfh "$job_id\t$shell_script\n";
my $monitor_href = $self->{nodes_in_progress};
$monitor_href->{$monitor_finished} = $job_id;

$self->{job_id_to_cmd_indices}->{$job_id} = \@cmd_indices_prepped;
$self->{job_id_to_submission_time}->{$job_id} = time();

else {

die "Fatal error, couldn't extract Job ID from submission text: $job_id_text";

close $logdir_jobsfh;

# sleep($WAITTIME); # wait just a short while to give the system a few seconds to act on the submitted jobs.
return ($num_cmds_launched);


#no Moose;

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