An enhanced LaTeX template of Ph.D. thesis for Northeastern University (China) based on mervin0502/neuthesis.
- Fixed a problem that may cause compile error(s) when trying to redefine \uline.
- Fixed a problem caused by comma misconfiguration.
- Fixed a problem of English title.
- Fixed a problem that may cause unexpected italic arabic numbers in the page header.
- Added extra support for .eps files.
- Replaced the original example equation.
- The compiler should be configured as XeLaTeX.
- Some extra packages may need to be installed.
- (For macOS and Linux users) As the Windows fontset is recommended, basic Windows fonts (e.g. Times New Roman, SimSun, SimHei, FangSong, KaiTi) should be additionally installed on your system.
- Windows 10, TeXLive 2020
- macOS Big Sur, MikTeX