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FAQs and Common Issues

malloryprow edited this page May 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

Below are frequently asked questions from users and their answers.

  1. All my graphics are all blank...A model isn't showing up on my graphics.

They could be blank due to a few reasons:

  1. Check to make sure you have the paths to the model files correct. Look in the log file to see if outputted any warning messages that it could not find the data files; you can also check $OUTPUTROOT/tmp/verif_global.*/[use_case]/data/[model] to see if there are no files there. If both or either of these are true check the values you have set for "model_list", "model_dir_list", "model_stat_dir_list", "model_file_format_list" and any other similar value in the configuration file you used. Perhaps you have a typo or have a path wrong.
  2. If you are running RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP2 and EMC_verif-global is able to find your .stat files, check the values you have set for g2g2_*truth_name_list and compare to what is listed in the "OBTYPE" column in the .stat files. These could possibly be different. If the "OBTYPE" value in the .stat files is different from what you expected, then there was an issue in running RUN_GRID2GRID_STEP1. This commonly happens when the requested truth type file is missing because EMC_verif-global will fall back to using its own model forecast hour 0 file for truth when the file for the truth type requested is missing.