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Merge pull request #6338 from NREL/VAVDesignMinFlow6327
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Fix VAV min flow frac > 1.0 and a bunch of termunitsizing issues related to multiple airloops
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Myoldmopar authored Mar 17, 2018
2 parents 92d176e + 30ba4e2 commit 8074325
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Showing 31 changed files with 1,421 additions and 1,048 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ \subsection{System Design Flow Rate and Load Summation and Adjustment}\label{sys

There is a logical flag \emph{SysSizingCalc} corresponding to \emph{ZoneSizingCalc}. It is used to allow the component routines to distinguish a normal simulation call from a being called during a system sizing calculation.

\emph{Note that throughout this section, any reference to a ``zone'' is equivalent to ``air terminal unit''}.


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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ \subsection{Zone Design Data Arrays}\label{zone-design-data-arrays}

\emph{FinalZoneSizing(i)} corresponds to \emph{CalcFinalZoneSizing} but includes the effect of the user specified sizing factor or user specified zone design flow rate.

The data stored in \emph{CalcZoneSizing}, \emph{CalcFinalZoneSizing}, \emph{ZoneSizing} and \emph{FinalZoneSizing} includes the following data items.
\emph{TermUnitFinalZoneSizing(k)} corresponds to \emph{FinalZoneSizing} but includes the effect of any air system terminal unit sizing factors input with DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing objects. The index k is for each air terminal unit. There may be more or less terminal units than there are controlled zones.

The data stored in \emph{CalcZoneSizing}, \emph{CalcFinalZoneSizing}, \emph{ZoneSizing}, \emph{FinalZoneSizing} and \emph{TermUnitFinalZoneSizing} includes the following data items.

% table 40
Expand All @@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ \subsection{Zone Design Data Arrays}\label{zone-design-data-arrays}

All the data from ZoneSizingInput & \tabularnewline
Select data from ZoneSizingInput & \tabularnewline
DesHeatMassFlow & the zone design heating air mass flow rate in [kg/s] \tabularnewline
DesCoolMassFlow & the zone design cooling air mass flow rate in [kg/s] \tabularnewline
DesHeatLoad & the zone design heating load in [W] \tabularnewline
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,9 +208,61 @@ \subsubsection{EndZoneSizingCalc}\label{endzonesizingcalc}

\textbf{This concludes the calculation of the zone design flow rates and loads.}

\subsection{Air Terminal Unit Sizing}\label{air-terminal-unit-sizing}

Each controlled zone may have one or more air terminal units (AirTerminal:*) served by one or more central air handlers (AirLoopHVAC). Each air terminal unit may reference a DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing object which is used to adjust the \emph{FinalZoneSizing} data for each terminal unit with these user inputs:

$DesSensCoolingFrac$ &= Fraction of Design Sensible Cooling Load\\
$DesCoolSATRatio$ &= Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference Ratio\\
$DesSensHeatingFrac$ &= Fraction of Design Sensible Heating Load\\
$DesHeatSATRatio$ &= Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference Ratio\\
$MinOAFrac$ &= Fraction of Minimum Outdoor Air Flow\\

All of these factors default to 1.0. Function \emph{UpdateTermUnitFinalZoneSizing} first fills each instance of \emph{TermUnitFinalZoneSizing} with a copy of \emph{FinaZoneSizing} for the controlled zone served by the terminal unit. Then, if there is an applicable DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing input, the following adjustments are made:

{CoolLoad_{TU}} = {CoolLoad_{FZ}} \cdot {DesSensCoolingFrac}

{minOAFlow_{TU}} = {minOAFlow_{FZ}} \cdot {MinOAFrac}

{CoolFlowRatio} = {DesSensCoolingFrac} / {DesCoolSATRatio}

{CoolFlow_{TU}} = {CoolFlowNoOA_{FZ}} \cdot CoolFlowRatio + {MinOAFrac} \cdot ( {CoolFlowWithOA_{FZ}} - {CoolFlowNoOA_{FZ}} )

{CoolFlow_{TU}} = max({CoolFlow_{TU}},{minOAFlow_{TU}})


$CoolLoad$ &= Cooling load variables: $DesCoolLoad, CoolLoadSeq, NonAirSysDesCoolLoad$\\
$CoolFlow$ &= Cooling flow variables: $DesCoolVolFlow, CoolFlowSeq$\\
$CoolFlowNoOA$ &= Cooling flow variables not adjusted for minimum outdoor air: $DesCoolVolFlowNoOA, CoolFlowSeqNoOA$\\
$minOAFlow$ &= minimum outdoor air flow rate\\
Subscript $FZ$ &= Value from $FinalZoneSizing$\\
Subscript $TU$ &= Value for $TermUnitFinalZoneSizing$\\

Likewise for heating.

\subsection{Zone HVAC Scalable Sizing}\label{zone-hvac-scalable-sizing}

For zone HVAC equipments scalable sizing applies to supply air flow rate and capacity for both cooling and heating. The scalable sizing method allowed for supply air flow rates include: \emph{FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow}, \emph{FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow}, \emph{FlowPerFloorArea, FlowPerCoolingCapacity}, and \emph{FlowPerHeatingCapacity}. The supply air flow rate scalable sizing methods are defined as follows:
For zone HVAC equipment, scalable sizing applies to supply air flow rate and capacity for both cooling and heating. The scalable sizing method allowed for supply air flow rates include: \emph{FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow}, sizing method allowed for supply air flow rates include: \emph{FractionOfAutosizedCoolingAirflow}, \emph{FractionOfAutosizedHeatingAirflow}, \emph{FlowPerFloorArea, FlowPerCoolingCapacity}, and \emph{FlowPerHeatingCapacity}. The supply air flow rate scalable sizing methods are defined as follows:

\textbf{\emph{FlowPerFloorArea}}: the simulation engine determine the supply air flow rates from the user specified \emph{supply air flow rates per unit floor area} and the zone floor area of the zone served by the zone HVAC equipment.

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Expand Up @@ -1522,13 +1522,6 @@ \subsection{DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing}\label{designspecificationair

This object modifies the sizing of an air loop terminal unit. It may be referenced by a ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit or AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled object. The values specified here are applied to the base sizing results from the corresponding Sizing:Zone inputs. Any given DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing object may be used by multiple terminal units with similar characteristics.

This feature has the following limitations:
\item It does not work with VRP sizing.
\item It does not work with a specified system flow rate in Sizing:System.
\item It does not work if the base minimum outdoor air flow exceeds the heating or cooling air flow.


\paragraph{Field: Name}\label{field-name-2-009}
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/EnergyPlus/AirTerminalUnit.hh
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Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ public: // Methods
getPrimAirDesignVolFlow() = 0;

getTermUnitSizingIndex() = 0;

protected: // Data

AirTerminalUnitType terminalType; // Type of air distribution unit //Legacy For use during transition to OO
Expand All @@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ protected: // Data
int zoneNodeIndex; // index in node structure for the zone node for this air terminal
int ctrlZoneInNodeIndex; // which controlled zone inlet node number corresponds with this unit
int airLoopNum; // index to airloop that this terminal unit is connected to
int termUnitSizingNum; // index to TermUnitSizing, TermUnitFinalZoneSizing, and more for this air distribution unit
}; // AirTerminalUnit

} // EnergyPlus
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66 changes: 60 additions & 6 deletions src/EnergyPlus/
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Expand Up @@ -344,12 +344,6 @@ namespace DataSizing {
Array1D< Real64 > DBySys; // Population Diversity by system
Array1D< std::string > PeakPsOccurrenceDateTimeStringBySys; // string describing when Ps peak occurs
Array1D< std::string > PeakPsOccurrenceEnvironmentStringBySys; // string describing Environment when Ps peak occurs
//Array1D< Real64 > PzSumBySysCool; // saved value of TotalPeople which is Pz-sum used in 62.1 tabular report
//Array1D< Real64 > PzSumBySysHeat; // saved value of TotalPeople which is Pz-sum used in 62.1 tabular report
//Array1D< Real64 > PsBySysCool; // saved value of PeakPeople which is Ps used in 62.1 tabular report
//Array1D< Real64 > PsBySysHeat; // saved value of PeakPeople which is Ps used in 62.1 tabular report
//Array1D< Real64 > DBySysCool; // saved value of PopulatonDiversity which is D used in 62.1 tabular report
//Array1D< Real64 > DBySysHeat; // saved value of PopulatonDiversity which is D used in 62.1 tabular report
Array1D< Real64 > VouBySys; // uncorrected system outdoor air requirement, for std 62.1 VRP
Array1D< Real64 > VpsClgBySys; // System primary airflow Vps, for cooling for std 62.1 VRP
Array1D< Real64 > VpsHtgBySys; // system primary airflow Vps, for heating for std 62.1 VRP
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,6 +542,66 @@ namespace DataSizing {

Real64 const & coolFlowWithOA, // Cooling flow rate with MinOA limit applied
Real64 const & coolFlowNoOA // Cooling flow rate without MinOA limit applied
// Apply DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing to cooling flow (could be vol flow or mass flow)
Real64 coolFlowRatio = 1.0;
if ( this->SpecDesCoolSATRatio > 0.0 ) {
coolFlowRatio = this->SpecDesSensCoolingFrac / this->SpecDesCoolSATRatio;
} else {
coolFlowRatio = this->SpecDesSensCoolingFrac;
Real64 adjustedFlow = coolFlowNoOA * coolFlowRatio + ( coolFlowWithOA - coolFlowNoOA ) * this->SpecMinOAFrac;
return adjustedFlow;

Real64 const & heatFlowWithOA, // Heating flow rate with MinOA limit applied
Real64 const & heatFlowNoOA // Heating flow rate without MinOA limit applied
// Apply DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing to heating flow (could be vol flow or mass flow)
Real64 heatFlowRatio = 1.0;
if ( this->SpecDesHeatSATRatio > 0.0 ) {
heatFlowRatio = this->SpecDesSensHeatingFrac / this->SpecDesHeatSATRatio;
} else {
heatFlowRatio = this->SpecDesSensHeatingFrac;
Real64 adjustedFlow = heatFlowNoOA * heatFlowRatio + ( heatFlowWithOA - heatFlowNoOA ) * this->SpecMinOAFrac;
return adjustedFlow;

Real64 const ratio // Scaling ratio
// Apply scaling ratio to TermUnitFinalZoneSizing cooling flow and load
this->DesCoolVolFlow = this->DesCoolVolFlow * ratio;
this->DesCoolMassFlow = this->DesCoolMassFlow * ratio;
this->DesCoolLoad = this->DesCoolLoad * ratio;
this->CoolFlowSeq = this->CoolFlowSeq * ratio;
this->CoolLoadSeq = this->CoolLoadSeq * ratio;

Real64 const ratio // Scaling ratio
// Apply scaling ratio to TermUnitFinalZoneSizing heating flow and load
this->DesHeatVolFlow = this->DesHeatVolFlow * ratio;
this->DesHeatMassFlow = this->DesHeatMassFlow * ratio;
this->DesHeatLoad = this->DesHeatLoad * ratio;
this->HeatFlowSeq = this->HeatFlowSeq * ratio;
this->HeatLoadSeq = this->HeatLoadSeq * ratio;

} // DataSizing

} // EnergyPlus
44 changes: 34 additions & 10 deletions src/EnergyPlus/DataSizing.hh
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Expand Up @@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ namespace DataSizing {
// Members
std::string ZoneName; // name of a zone
std::string ADUName; // Terminal Unit Name (air distribution unit or direct air unit) - only assigned for TermUnitFinalZoneSizing
std::string CoolDesDay; // name of a cooling design day
std::string HeatDesDay; // name of a heating design day
int ZnCoolDgnSAMethod; // choice of how to get zone cooling design air temperature;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,10 +453,12 @@ namespace DataSizing {
Real64 DOASHighSetpoint; // Dedicated Outside Air High Setpoint for Design [C]
int ActualZoneNum; // index into the Zone data array (in DataHeatBalance)
Real64 DesHeatMassFlow; // zone design heating air mass flow rate [kg/s]
Real64 DesHeatMassFlowNoOA; // zone design heating air mass flow rate without applying MinOA as a limit [kg/s]
Real64 DesHeatOAFlowFrac; // zone design heating OA air volume fraction [-]
bool EMSOverrideDesHeatMassOn; // true if EMS is acting on this structure
Real64 EMSValueDesHeatMassFlow; // Value EMS directing to use for Design Heating air mass flow [kg/s]
Real64 DesCoolMassFlow; // zone design cooling air mass flow rate [kg/s]
Real64 DesCoolMassFlowNoOA; // zone design cooling air mass flow rate without applying MinOA as a limit [kg/s]
Real64 DesCoolOAFlowFrac; // zone design cooling OA air volume fraction [-]
bool EMSOverrideDesCoolMassOn; // true if EMS is acting on this structure
Real64 EMSValueDesCoolMassFlow; // Value EMS directing to use for Design Cooling air mass flow [kg/s]
Expand All @@ -470,10 +473,12 @@ namespace DataSizing {
Real64 DesHeatDens; // zone design heating air density [kg/m3]
Real64 DesCoolDens; // zone design cooling air density [kg/m3]
Real64 DesHeatVolFlow; // zone design heating air volume flow rate including sizing factor and scaled to match airflow sizing [m3/s]
Real64 DesHeatVolFlowNoOA; // zone design heating air volume flow rate including sizing factor and scaled to match airflow sizing without MinOA limit [m3/s]
Real64 NonAirSysDesHeatVolFlow; // base zone design heating air volume flow rate including sizing factor [m3/s]
bool EMSOverrideDesHeatVolOn; // true if EMS is acting on this structure
Real64 EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow; // Value EMS directing to use for Design Heating air volume flow [m3/s]
Real64 DesCoolVolFlow; // zone design cooling air volume flow rate [m3/s]
Real64 DesCoolVolFlowNoOA; // zone design cooling air volume flow rate without applying MinOA as a limit [m3/s]
Real64 NonAirSysDesCoolVolFlow; // base zone design cooling air volume flow rate including sizing factor [m3/s]
bool EMSOverrideDesCoolVolOn; // true if EMS is acting on this structure
Real64 EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow; // Value EMS directing to use for Design cooling air volume flow [m3/s]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,10 +531,10 @@ namespace DataSizing {
// DesCoolMinAirFlowPerArea
Real64 DesHeatMaxAirFlow2; // design heating maximum air flow rate [m3/s] derived from
// DesHeatMaxAirFlowPerArea
Array1D< Real64 > HeatFlowSeq; // daily sequence of zone heating air mass flow rate
// (zone time step)
Array1D< Real64 > CoolFlowSeq; // daily sequence of zone cooling air mass flow rate
// (zone time step)
Array1D< Real64 > HeatFlowSeq; // daily sequence of zone heating air mass flow rate (zone time step) [kg/s]
Array1D< Real64 > HeatFlowSeqNoOA; // daily sequence of zone heating air mass flow rate (zone time step) without MinOA limit [kg/s]
Array1D< Real64 > CoolFlowSeq; // daily sequence of zone cooling air mass flow rate (zone time step) [kg/s]
Array1D< Real64 > CoolFlowSeqNoOA; // daily sequence of zone cooling air mass flow rate (zone time step) without MinOA limit [kg/s]
Array1D< Real64 > HeatLoadSeq; // daily sequence of zone heating load (zone time step)
Array1D< Real64 > CoolLoadSeq; // daily sequence of zone cooling load (zone time step)
Array1D< Real64 > HeatZoneTempSeq; // daily sequence of zone temperatures (heating, zone time step)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,10 +621,12 @@ namespace DataSizing {
DOASHighSetpoint( 0.0 ),
ActualZoneNum( 0 ),
DesHeatMassFlow( 0.0 ),
DesHeatMassFlowNoOA( 0.0 ),
DesHeatOAFlowFrac( 0.0 ),
EMSOverrideDesHeatMassOn( false ),
EMSValueDesHeatMassFlow( 0.0 ),
DesCoolMassFlow( 0.0 ),
DesCoolMassFlowNoOA( 0.0 ),
DesCoolOAFlowFrac( 0.0 ),
EMSOverrideDesCoolMassOn( false ),
EMSValueDesCoolMassFlow( 0.0 ),
Expand All @@ -634,10 +641,12 @@ namespace DataSizing {
DesHeatDens( 0.0 ),
DesCoolDens( 0.0 ),
DesHeatVolFlow( 0.0 ),
DesHeatVolFlowNoOA( 0.0 ),
NonAirSysDesHeatVolFlow( 0.0 ),
EMSOverrideDesHeatVolOn( false ),
EMSValueDesHeatVolFlow( 0.0 ),
DesCoolVolFlow( 0.0 ),
DesCoolVolFlowNoOA( 0.0 ),
NonAirSysDesCoolVolFlow( 0.0 ),
EMSOverrideDesCoolVolOn( false ),
EMSValueDesCoolVolFlow( 0.0 ),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -712,12 +721,22 @@ namespace DataSizing {
DOASTotCoolLoad( 0.0 )

Real64 const ratio // Scaling ratio
Real64 const ratio // Scaling ratio


struct TermUnitSizingData
// Members
int CtrlZoneNum; // Controlled zone number (index to FinalZoneSizing, etc.)
std::string ADUName; // Terminal Unit Name (air distribution unit or direct air unit)
Real64 AirVolFlow; // design air vol flow rate for single duct terminal unit [m3/s]
Real64 MaxHWVolFlow; // design Hot Water vol flow for single duct terminal unit [m3/s]
Real64 MaxSTVolFlow; // design Steam vol flow rate for single duct terminal unit [m3/s]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -756,6 +775,17 @@ namespace DataSizing {
SpecMinOAFrac ( 1.0 )

Real64 const & coolFlowWithOA, // Cooling flow rate with MinOA limit applied
Real64 const & coolFlowNoOA // Cooling flow rate without MinOA limit applied

Real64 const & heatFlowWithOA, // Heating flow rate with MinOA limit applied
Real64 const & heatFlowNoOA // Heating flow rate without MinOA limit applied

struct ZoneEqSizingData // data saved from zone eq component sizing and passed to subcomponents
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1430,12 +1460,6 @@ namespace DataSizing {
extern Array1D< std::string > PeakPsOccurrenceDateTimeStringBySys; // string describing date and time when Ps peak occurs
extern Array1D< std::string > PeakPsOccurrenceEnvironmentStringBySys; // string describing Environment when Ps peak occurs

//extern Array1D< Real64 > PzSumBySysCool; // saved value of TotalPeople which is Pz-sum used in 62.1 tabular report
//extern Array1D< Real64 > PzSumBySysHeat; // saved value of TotalPeople which is Pz-sum used in 62.1 tabular report
//extern Array1D< Real64 > PsBySysCool; // saved value of PeakPeople which is Ps used in 62.1 tabular report
//extern Array1D< Real64 > PsBySysHeat; // saved value of PeakPeople which is Ps used in 62.1 tabular report
//extern Array1D< Real64 > DBySysCool; // saved value of PopulatonDiversity which is D used in 62.1 tabular report
//extern Array1D< Real64 > DBySysHeat; // saved value of PopulatonDiversity which is D used in 62.1 tabular report
extern Array1D< Real64 > VouBySys; // uncorrected system outdoor air requirement, for std 62.1 VRP

extern Array1D< Real64 > VpsClgBySys; // System primary airflow Vps, for cooling for std 62.1 VRP
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/EnergyPlus/
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Expand Up @@ -343,10 +343,11 @@ namespace DirectAirManager {
DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).TermUnitSizingNum = thisZoneEqConfig.AirDistUnitCool( SupAirIn ).TermUnitSizingIndex;
DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).ZoneEqNum = CtrlZone;
DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).CtrlZoneInNodeIndex = SupAirIn;
{ auto & thisTermUnitSizingData( DataSizing::TermUnitSizing( DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).TermUnitSizingNum ) );
thisTermUnitSizingData.ADUName = DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).EquipID;
// Fill TermUnitSizing with specs from DesignSpecification:AirTerminal:Sizing if there is one attached to this terminal unit
if ( DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).AirTerminalSizingSpecIndex > 0 ) {
{ auto const & thisAirTermSizingSpec( DataSizing::AirTerminalSizingSpec( DirectAir( DirectAirNum ).AirTerminalSizingSpecIndex ) );
{ auto & thisTermUnitSizingData( DataSizing::TermUnitSizing( thisZoneEqConfig.AirDistUnitCool( SupAirIn ).TermUnitSizingIndex ) );
thisTermUnitSizingData.SpecDesCoolSATRatio = thisAirTermSizingSpec.DesCoolSATRatio;
thisTermUnitSizingData.SpecDesHeatSATRatio = thisAirTermSizingSpec.DesHeatSATRatio;
thisTermUnitSizingData.SpecDesSensCoolingFrac = thisAirTermSizingSpec.DesSensCoolingFrac;
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