$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Lidar_AI_Solution
$ cd Lidar_AI_Solution
- For each specific task please refer to the readme in the sub-folder.
A tiny inference engine for 3d sparse convolutional networks using int8/fp16.
- Tiny Engine: Tiny Lidar-Backbone inference engine independent of TensorRT.
- Flexible: Build execution graph from ONNX.
- Easy To Use: Simple interface and onnx export solution.
- High Fidelity: Low accuracy drop on nuScenes validation.
- Low Memory: 422MB@SCN FP16, 426MB@SCN INT8.
- Compact: Based on the CUDA kernels and independent of cutlass.
CUDA & TensorRT solution for BEVFusion inference, including:
- Camera Encoder: ResNet50 and finetuned BEV pooling with TensorRT and onnx export solution.
- Lidar Encoder: Tiny Lidar-Backbone inference independent of TensorRT and onnx export solution.
- Feature Fusion: Camera & Lidar feature fuser with TensorRT and onnx export solution.
- Pre/Postprocess: Interval precomputing, lidar voxelization, feature decoder with CUDA kernels.
- Easy To Use: Preparation, inference, evaluation all in one to reproduce torch Impl accuracy.
- PTQ: Quantization solutions for mmdet3d/spconv, Easy to understand.
CUDA & TensorRT solution for CenterPoint inference, including:
- Preprocess: Voxelization with CUDA kernel
- Encoder: 3D backbone with NV spconv-scn and onnx export solution.
- Neck & Header: RPN & CenterHead with TensorRT and onnx export solution.
- Postprocess: Decode & NMS with CUDA kernel
- Easy To Use: Preparation, inference, evaluation all in one to reproduce torch Impl accuracy.
- QAT: Quantization solutions for traveller59/spconv, Easy to understand.
CUDA & TensorRT solution for pointpillars inference, including:
- Preprocess: Voxelization & Feature Extending with CUDA kernel
- Detector: 2.5D backbone with TensorRT and onnx export solution.
- Postprocess: Parse bounding box, class type and direction
- Easy To Use: Preparation, inference, evaluation all in one to reproduce torch Impl accuracy.
Training and inference solutions for V2XFusion.
- Easy To Use: Provides easily reproducible solutions for training, quantization, and ONNX export.
- Quantification friendly:PointPillars based backbone with pre-normalization which can reduce quantization error.
- Feature Fusion: Camera & Lidar feature fuser and onnx export solution.
- PTQ: Quantization solutions for V2XFusion, easy to understand.
- Sparsity: 4:2 structural sparsity support.
- Deepstream sample: Sample inference using CUDA, TensorRT/Triton in NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 7.0.
Draw all elements using a single CUDA kernel.
- Line: Plotting lines by interpolation(Nearest or Linear).
- RotateBox: Supports drawn with different border colors and fill colors.
- Circle: Supports drawn with different border colors and fill colors.
- Rectangle: Supports drawn with different border colors and fill colors.
- Text: Supports stb_truetype and pango-cairo backends, allowing fonts to be read via TTF or using font-family.
- Arrow: Combination of arrows by 3 lines.
- Point: Plotting points by interpolation(Nearest or Linear).
- Clock: Time plotting based on text support
Provide several GPU accelerated Point Cloud operations with high accuracy and high performance at the same time: cuICP, cuFilter, cuSegmentation, cuOctree, cuCluster, cuNDT, Voxelization(incoming).
- cuICP: CUDA accelerated iterative corresponding point vertex cloud(point-to-point) registration implementation.
- cuFilter: Support CUDA accelerated features: PassThrough and VoxelGrid.
- cuSegmentation: Support CUDA accelerated features: RandomSampleConsensus with a plane model.
- cuOctree: Support CUDA accelerated features: Approximate Nearest Search and Radius Search.
- cuCluster: Support CUDA accelerated features: Cluster based on the distance among points.
- cuNDT: CUDA accelerated 3D Normal Distribution Transform registration implementation for point cloud data.
YUV to RGB conversion. Combine Resize/Padding/Conversion/Normalization into a single kernel function.
- Most of the time, it can be bit-aligned with OpenCV.
- It will give an exact result when the scaling factor is a rational number.
- Better performance is usually achieved when the stride can divide by 4.
- Supported Input Format:
- NV12BlockLinear
- NV12PitchLinear
- YUV422Packed_YUYV
- Supported Interpolation methods:
- Nearest
- Bilinear
- Supported Output Data Type:
- Uint8
- Float32
- Float16
- Supported Output Layout:
- CHW16/32/4/RGB/BGR for DLA input
- Supported Features:
- Resize
- Padding
- Conversion
- Normalization
This project makes use of a number of awesome open source libraries, including:
- stb_image for PNG and JPEG support
- pybind11 for seamless C++ / Python interop
- and others! See the dependencies folder.
Many thanks to the authors of these brilliant projects!