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Utilities Repository


The C++ standard library as well as the STL are great for providing many of the features one needs to write a code. However, they leave much to be desired. This library is intended to be our "Boost" in that it's a series of extensions to the standard libraries for functionality we commonly want.

At the moment this functionality can be expressed as falling into one of three sub libraries:

  • IterTools: Classes designed to make iteration easier. This includes base classes for writing your own iterators as well as classes for iterating over common situations such as:
    - All permutations of a sequence
    - All combinations of a sequence
  • Mathematician : Math functionality beyond that of the STL including:
    • Binomial coefficients
    • Multinomial coefficients
  • TypeTraits : Structs to make meta-template programming easier
    • Extended type intraspection (i.e. determining if a type has a member)

Building Utilities

Utilities is built using CPP, hence the first step is to build and install CPP if you have not done so already. Then building Utilities can be accomplished by:

git clone
cd Utilities
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<where/you/installed/CPP> \
cd build
cmake --build .
#May need to run as an admin depending on where you are installing
cmake --build . --target install                  

Note that the configure will appear to hang when it gets to Catch2. This is because it is building Catch2. Building of Catch2 can be avoided by disabling tests (i.e., passing -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF to the first invocation of cmake) or by providing CMake with an already built version of Catch2 by passing -DCatch2_ROOT=/path/to/catch2 to the first invocation of cmake.