Create conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
Activate the environment:
conda activate naavre-containerizer-service
Run the dev server
fastapi dev app/
docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t naavre-containerizer-service:dev
To run it:
docker run -p naavre-containerizer-service:dev
and open
We use Helm for the deployment:
helm -n naavre-containerizer-service upgrade --install --create-namespace naavre-containerizer-service ./helm/naavre-containerizer-service -f values.yaml
should contain ingress, OAuth2, and other configuration (
checkout ./helm/naavre-containerizer-service/values-example.yaml).
The secrets.CONFIG_FILE should have quotes escaped:
{ \"vl_configurations\": [ { \"name\": \"virtual_lab_1\", \"base_image_tags_url\": \"\", \"module_mapping_url\": \"\", \"cell_github_url\": \"\", \"cell_github_token\": \"TOKEN\", \"registry_url\": \"\" }, { \"name\": \"virtual_lab_2\", \"base_image_tags_url\": \"\", \"module_mapping_url\": \"\", \"cell_github_url\": \"\", \"cell_github_token\": \"\", \"registry_url\": \"\" } ] }