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Paper plugin: A unique Minecraft experience that lets you fish in lava!


LavaFishing is a plugin that introduces an innovative fishing experience in Minecraft.
This project was born out of a failed PR effort to Paper.
Mojang, please allow us to fish in lava!
I take performance very seriously, so if you encounter any performance issues, please feel free to contact us.


Simply lava fishing. No extra features beyond that.


Supported Versions

  • Paper: 1.21.4


  1. Download the latest LavaFishing.jar from the GitHub Releases Page.
  2. Place the downloaded jar file into your server’s plugins folder.
  3. Restart or reload your server and ensure the plugin loads successfully.


  • Starting to Fish Use a fishing rod on lava to activate the lava fishing feature.


On first run, a config.conf file will be automatically generated, allowing you to customize:

  • Fishing Particles: Modify the particles generated while lava fishing.
  • Fishing Sounds: Modify the sounds played during lava fishing.
  • Loot Table: Change the loot table for catch fish.

Refer to the comments in the generated config.conf for detailed configuration options.


Control access to the lava fishing feature with the following permission:

  • lavafishing.command.reload — Allows reloading the configuration via the reload command.
  • - Allows lava fishing.

Development and Contribution

LavaFishing is an open-source project.
Bug reports, feature suggestions, and pull requests are welcome via GitHub Issues.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Make changes or add new features on your branch.
  3. Submit a pull request for review.

Developer API

Bukkit events here: Developer Bukkit Events


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. For details, see the LICENSE file.



Discord server will be ready in the near future. For now, please reach out via GitHub Issues or on Discord (@.namiu).

Enjoy your lava fishing adventure!