Framework consists of only two functions for creating projects with C/C++
Create module (library)
Name of the module is the name of the directory (you can get it by ${module_name})
Every dependences are added as private
If tests dir exists adds it
If EXE option is specified executable with module_name is added
Create google tests
Links gtest_main, module, module dopendencies and DEPS (in this order)
FetchContent_Declare(CMakeFramework GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG main GIT_SHALLOW true)
To add header from other module you must also specify its name
#include <Module/Header.hpp>
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── Headers
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| └── include
| ├── cout.hpp
| ├── string.hpp
| └── vector.hpp
├── Module
| ├── CMakeLists.txt
| ├── include
| | ├── Display.hpp
| | └── User.hpp
| └── src
| ├── Display.cpp
| └── User.cpp
└── MainModule
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
| └── MainClass.hpp
├── src
| └── MainClass.cpp
└── tests
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── MainClassTests.cpp