This is a chat bot built using Node.js and the tmi.js
- Moderation: The bot can detect and delete messages containing blocked words, and timeout the user for a specified duration.
- Custom Commands: You can define custom commands that the bot will respond to when users type them in the chat.
- Cooldowns: To avoid spamming, the bot has command cooldowns, which limit how often a command can be used.
- Greetings: The bot sends a greeting message when users type
. - Chat Clearing: Moderators can use the
command to clear the chat. - Ping-Pong: The bot responds with "Pong!" when users type
. - Random Dice Roll: Users can roll a 100-sided dice with the
command. - List of Commands: The bot displays the list of available commands when users type
. - Sending Love: Users can receive some love from the bot with the
command. - Shoutout: Moderators can give a shoutout to other users with the
command. - Uptime: The bot can show its uptime when users type
. - Random Quote: The bot displays a random quote when users type
. - Followage: The bot acknowledges users and mentions that they have been following for a while when they type
(Please note that the followage functionality requires the use of the Twitch API or a third-party service to get the actual followage information).
To run this bot on your Twitch channel, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd TwitchNan
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Replace the following lines in the code with your own Twitch bot credentials:
const twitchBotOptions = {
identity: {
username: 'YOUR_BOT_USERNAME',
password: 'YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN' // Get the OAuth token from Twitch:
channels: ['YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME'], // Replace this with your Twitch channel name
options: {
debug: true,
connection: {
reconnect: true,
secure: true,
- Save the changes and run the bot:
npm run test
The bot should now be connected to your Twitch channel and ready to respond to commands and perform moderation tasks.
To add more custom commands to the bot, you can extend the switch
statement in the twitchClient.on('message')
event handler. Follow the existing examples to implement new commands and functionalities.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to create a pull request with your proposed changes. We welcome any improvements, bug fixes, or additional features that can enhance the bot's capabilities.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as per the terms of the license.
Please use this bot responsibly and adhere to Twitch's terms of service and community guidelines. Always prioritize user experience and ensure that any moderation actions are fair and appropriate.