Fork this repo into your personal github account
Clone from your repo onto your local machine
$ yarn install
Make sure you have postgres installed globally, then:
$ createdb react_twitter_dev
$ createdb react_twitter_test
$ cd server
$ knex migrate:latest
$ knex migrate:latest --env test
$ knex seed:run
$ knex seed:run --env test
$ cd ../
$ yarn run client
- Open a new terminal tab, then
$ yarn run server
$ yarn test
- git remote add upstream https://github.com/boulderReactCodingNight/03-react-twitter.git
- git pull upstream master
- Questions to Ask Yourself:
- Do all tests still pass? (
yarn test
) - Did I increase techical debt?
- Can I write tests to cover my code?
- Am I following the repos general code style?
- Do all tests still pass? (
- Submit PR:
- Commit and push all of your code
- If you haven't been commiting as you go:
git add <files>
git commit -m "commit message here, closes #issueNumber"
- Please make sure to add the issue number that you completed in one of your commit messages (i.e., closes #17)
- Pull from upstream which should be boulderReactCodingNight/03-react-twitter
- Confirm upstream with
git remote -v
git pull upstream master
- Handle any merge conflicts
- Confirm upstream with
- Push all of your code up to the remote (
git push origin master
)- Make sure your origin is set to your fork (
git remote -v
- Make sure your origin is set to your fork (
- If you haven't been commiting as you go:
- Go to your fork on Gitub GUI (i.e., https://github.com/yourUserName/03-react-twitter)
- Click Pull Requests on the top left of the window, then click New Pull Request (green button, top right)
- Follow directions in the GUI
- Base fork: boulderReactCodingNight/03-react-twitter
- Head fork: userName/03-react-twitter (this should be the fork you were working on)
- Specify a branch if you were working on a specific branch.
- Click Create Pull Request
- Commit and push all of your code
(handle, password) -
(handle, email, name, password, avatar (optional)) -
(text, userId)
- User can click buttons for: Dashboard, Account, Logout
- User can see a pretty landing page
- User can log in
- User can register for an account
- User get reset password by entering email
- After receiving reset email with secret code, user can click a link to go to reset password page
- User can enter password and confirmPassword to update (if secret code verified)
- User can type 144 char text message
- User can click a button to submit message
- User can see message feed sorted by date descending
- User can increase a message's star_count by one
- User can click again to remove that star
- User can reply to a message (added to a single nested array of replies)
- User can see their avatar, name, handle (unique), message_count, star_count
- User can click on their own avatar/name/handle to navigate to their own profile page
- User can click another user's name/avatar/handle (in message) to navigate to that profile page
- User can see all messages for a particular user sorted by date descending
- User can see avatar, name, handle (unique), message_count, star_count, bio, location, link, birth_date for owner of page
- User can add or update their avatar (stored as base64 in db)
- User can update name, handle (unique), bio, location, link, birth_date
- User can update email
- User can update password
- User cannot access admin page
- Admin can update user info
- Admin can suspend/unsuspend users