Solutions to the Advent of Code 2024 challenges.
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After this is set up, you can either clone
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, or if you're using
SSH do git clone [email protected]:NathanielJS1541/AoC_2024.git
This should just prevent treading on each others toes, and loss of work etc.
- Do not commit any of the puzzle texts or inputs from Advent of Code to this repo, as AoC does not allow redistribution.
- Work in your own branch, and create a Pull Request to merge your work into main periodically. You can complete this PR yourself, but it makes it easy to identify what was added by who.
- Avoid rebasing. This has the potential to create confusing scenarios for others, or overwrite others work if they have based work on a commit that you rebase.
- Do not
git push --force
into shared branches! People can and will lose work this way. - Create your own named folder inside the root of this repo to reflect your
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file with each language people use, having them within your own folder means they can be customised to the languages you are using much easier. GitHub maintains a repo of .gitignore templates if you need some inspiration. - There is a
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Here you can get links to the READMEs within everyone's folder.