Derived from Python-Mirai. If you decided to Star this project, please also Star the original project.
A Flask like Python wrapper of Mirai-HTTP-API
See full documentation here
Synced with mirai core 1.0RC
pip install python-mirai-core
pip install git+git:://
See code completion generated by PyCharm or VSCode.
and Updater
are two object to interact with mirai-http-api.
contains all outbound actions (such as send_message
all methods are well documented, and internal methods starts with _
handles all inbound updates (such as receiving events or messages)
A list of available event is under mirai_core.models.Events
A list of available message components (to construct MessageChain) is under mirai_core.models.Message
Updater handshake with mirai-console automatically when console is restarted or session is expired
Similar logic to python-telegram-bot or aiogram
Message type is an argument everywhere, no more send_group/friend/temp_message
Supports multiple listener for single event, use
return True
to block further calling for this event only -
Supports Websocket (enabled by default)
Supports xml/json/app message
from mirai_core import Bot, Updater
from mirai_core.models import Event, Message, Types
qq = 123456
host = ''
port = 18080
auth_key = 'abcdefgh'
scheme = 'http' # http or https
bot = Bot(qq, host, port, auth_key, scheme=scheme)
updater = Updater(bot)
# for bot methods, see available methods under mirai_core.Bot
# for event types, see mirai_core.models.Event
# for enums, see mirai_core.models.Types
# for exception types, see mirai_core.exceptions
# this is how handling inbound events looks like
async def handler(event: Event.BaseEvent):
handler for multiple events
:param event: generic type of event
if only one type of event is handled by this method, the type hinting should be changed accordingly
e.g. async def handler(event: BaseEvent.Message):
in order to see detailed definition of a certain event, either use isinstance to restrict the type, or change the
type hinting in event handler's definition
e.g. if isinstance(event, BaseEvent.Message):
:return: True for block calling other event handlers for this event, None or False for keep calling the rest
if isinstance(event, Event.Message): # handle different types of events
# see auto completion for event for available attributes
# echo
await bot.send_message(target=event.sender,
# custom message
# see auto completion for Message for more available message components
message_chain = [
# see docstring for __init__ for argument descriptions
if event.type == Types.MessageType.GROUP:
image = Message.Image(path='/root/whatever.jpg')
# see docstring for individual method
bot_message = await bot.send_message(target=event.sender,
# friend message can also quoted, but only viewable by QQ, not TIM
# in case you want the message id for recalling
# in case you want the image id (only available when sending via local path instead of url)
# the image id is available for two weeks from the last time it is used
image_id = image.imageId
return True
# run the updater forever, block the program from exiting
Comprehensive example: see UMR
Thanks mamoe
brings us mirai
, a tremendous work that
enables boundless possibilities for QQ Bots.
Thanks Python-Mirai
for inspirations and data parsing.
Same as mirai