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Port touch-based tests from embedder integration test (flutter#38234)
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* Port touch-based tests from embedder integration test

* Remove RegisterTouchScreen and related variables

* Update embedded child view size
  • Loading branch information
lin-erik authored Dec 16, 2022
1 parent 81b4535 commit d91e208
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Expand Up @@ -86,12 +86,8 @@ constexpr auto kTestUiStackRef = ChildRef{kTestUiStack};

constexpr fuchsia_test_utils::Color kParentBackgroundColor = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
0xFF}; // Blue
constexpr fuchsia_test_utils::Color kParentTappedColor = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0xFF}; // Black
constexpr fuchsia_test_utils::Color kChildBackgroundColor = {0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
0xFF}; // Pink
constexpr fuchsia_test_utils::Color kChildTappedColor = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00,
0xFF}; // Yellow

// TODO(fxb/64201): Remove forced opacity colors when Flatland is enabled.
constexpr fuchsia_test_utils::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor1 = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,60 +156,18 @@ class FlutterEmbedderTest : public ::loop_fixture::RealLoop,
callback = nullptr,
zx::duration timeout = kTestTimeout);

// Simulates a tap at location (x, y).
void InjectTap(int32_t x, int32_t y);

// Injects an input event, and posts a task to retry after
// `kTapRetryInterval`.
// We post the retry task because the first input event we send to Flutter may
// be lost. The reason the first event may be lost is that there is a race
// condition as the scene owner starts up.
// More specifically: in order for our app
// to receive the injected input, two things must be true before we inject
// touch input:
// * The Scenic root view must have been installed, and
// * The Input Pipeline must have received a viewport to inject touch into.
// The problem we have is that the `is_rendering` signal that we monitor only
// guarantees us the view is ready. If the viewport is not ready in Input
// Pipeline at that time, it will drop the touch event.
// TODO( Improve synchronization and remove retry logic.
void TryInject(int32_t x, int32_t y);

fuchsia::ui::scenic::Scenic* scenic() { return scenic_.get(); }

void SetUpRealmBase();

// Registers a fake touch screen device with an injection coordinate space
// spanning [-1000, 1000] on both axes.
void RegisterTouchScreen();

fuchsia::ui::scenic::ScenicPtr scenic_;
fuchsia::ui::test::input::RegistryPtr input_registry_;
fuchsia::ui::test::input::TouchScreenPtr fake_touchscreen_;
fuchsia::ui::test::scene::ControllerPtr scene_provider_;
fuchsia::ui::observation::geometry::ViewTreeWatcherPtr view_tree_watcher_;

// Wrapped in optional since the view is not created until the middle of SetUp
component_testing::RealmBuilder realm_builder_;
std::unique_ptr<component_testing::RealmRoot> realm_;

// The typical latency on devices we've tested is ~60 msec. The retry interval
// is chosen to be a) Long enough that it's unlikely that we send a new tap
// while a previous tap is still being
// processed. That is, it should be far more likely that a new tap is sent
// because the first tap was lost, than because the system is just running
// slowly.
// b) Short enough that we don't slow down tryjobs.
// The first property is important to avoid skewing the latency metrics that
// we collect. For an explanation of why a tap might be lost, see the
// documentation for TryInject().
static constexpr auto kTapRetryInterval = zx::sec(1);

void FlutterEmbedderTest::SetUpRealmBase() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,9 +328,6 @@ void FlutterEmbedderTest::LaunchParentViewInRealm(
realm_ = std::make_unique<RealmRoot>(realm_builder_.Build());

// Register fake touch screen device.

// Instruct Test UI Stack to present parent-view's View.
std::optional<zx_koid_t> view_ref_koid;
scene_provider_ = realm_->Connect<fuchsia::ui::test::scene::Controller>();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,36 +394,6 @@ bool FlutterEmbedderTest::TakeScreenshotUntil(

void FlutterEmbedderTest::RegisterTouchScreen() {
FML_LOG(INFO) << "Registering fake touch screen";
input_registry_ = realm_->Connect<fuchsia::ui::test::input::Registry>();
[](auto) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Error from input helper"; });
bool touchscreen_registered = false;
fuchsia::ui::test::input::RegistryRegisterTouchScreenRequest request;
[&touchscreen_registered]() { touchscreen_registered = true; });
RunLoopUntil([&touchscreen_registered] { return touchscreen_registered; });
FML_LOG(INFO) << "Touchscreen registered";

void FlutterEmbedderTest::InjectTap(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
fuchsia::ui::test::input::TouchScreenSimulateTapRequest tap_request;
tap_request.mutable_tap_location()->x = x;
tap_request.mutable_tap_location()->y = y;
fake_touchscreen_->SimulateTap(std::move(tap_request), [x, y]() {
FML_LOG(INFO) << "Tap injected at (" << x << ", " << y << ")";

void FlutterEmbedderTest::TryInject(int32_t x, int32_t y) {
InjectTap(x, y);
dispatcher(), [this, x, y] { TryInject(x, y); }, kTapRetryInterval);

TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, Embedding) {

Expand All @@ -489,53 +410,6 @@ TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, Embedding) {

TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, HittestEmbedding) {

// Take screenshot until we see the child-view's embedded color.

// Simulate a tap at the center of the child view.
TryInject(/* x = */ 0, /* y = */ 0);

// Take screenshot until we see the child-view's tapped color.
[](std::map<fuchsia_test_utils::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent and child background colors, with parent color > child
// color.
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);

TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, HittestDisabledEmbedding) {

// Take screenshots until we see the child-view's embedded color.

// Simulate a tap at the center of the child view.
TryInject(/* x = */ 0, /* y = */ 0);

// The parent-view should change color.
[](std::map<fuchsia_test_utils::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent and child background colors, with parent color > child
// color.
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentTappedColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);

TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, EmbeddingWithOverlay) {

Expand All @@ -555,33 +429,4 @@ TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, EmbeddingWithOverlay) {

TEST_F(FlutterEmbedderTest, HittestEmbeddingWithOverlay) {

// Take screenshot until we see the child-view's embedded color.

// The bottom-left corner of the overlay is at the center of the screen,
// which is at (0, 0) in the injection coordinate space. Inject a pointer
// event just outside the overlay's bounds, and ensure that it goes to the
// embedded view.
TryInject(/* x = */ -1, /* y = */ 1);

// Take screenshot until we see the child-view's tapped color.
[](std::map<fuchsia_test_utils::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent, overlay and child background colors.
// With parent color > child color and overlay color > child color.
const size_t overlay_pixel_count = OverlayPixelCount(histogram);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, histogram[kChildTappedColor]);

} // namespace flutter_embedder_test
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ dart_library("lib") {
sources = [ "embedding-flutter-view.dart" ]

deps = [
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,37 @@ import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:ui';

import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_app/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_views/fidl_async.dart';
import 'package:fidl_fuchsia_ui_test_input/fidl_async.dart' as test_touch;
import 'package:fuchsia_services/services.dart';
import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart' as vector_math_64;
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';

final _argsCsvFilePath = '/config/data/args.csv';

void main(List<String> args) {
print('Launching embedding-flutter-view');
TestApp app = TestApp(ChildView.gfx(_launchGfxChildView()));

args = args + _GetArgsFromConfigFile();
final parser = ArgParser()
..addFlag('showOverlay', defaultsTo: false)
..addFlag('hitTestable', defaultsTo: true)
..addFlag('focusable', defaultsTo: true);

final arguments = parser.parse(args);
for (final option in arguments.options) {
print('embedding-flutter-view args: $option: ${arguments[option]}');

TestApp app = TestApp(
showOverlay: arguments['showOverlay'],
hitTestable: arguments['hitTestable'],
focusable: arguments['focusable'],

Expand All @@ -24,14 +46,22 @@ class TestApp {
static const _blue = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 255);

final ChildView childView;
final bool showOverlay;
final bool hitTestable;
final bool focusable;
final _responseListener = test_touch.TouchInputListenerProxy();

Color _backgroundColor = _blue;

TestApp(this.childView) {}
{this.showOverlay = false,
this.hitTestable = true,
this.focusable = true}) {

void run() {
childView.create((ByteData reply) {
childView.create(hitTestable, focusable, (ByteData reply) {
// Set up window callbacks.
window.onPointerDataPacket = (PointerDataPacket packet) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,13 +97,52 @@ class TestApp {
final sceneBuilder = SceneBuilder()
..addPicture(, picture);
// Child view should take up half the screen
final childPhysicalSize = window.physicalSize * 0.5;

final childPhysicalSize = window.physicalSize * 0.25;
final windowCenter =;
final windowPhysicalCenter =;
final childPhysicalOffset = windowPhysicalCenter -;

width: childPhysicalSize.width,
height: size.height)
height: childPhysicalSize.height)

if (showOverlay) {
final containerSize = size * 0.5;
final containerOffset = windowCenter -;

final overlaySize = containerSize * 0.5;
// Alignment.topRight
final overlayOffset = Offset(
containerOffset.dx + containerSize.width - overlaySize.width,
final overlayPhysicalSize = overlaySize * pixelRatio;
final overlayPhysicalOffset = overlayOffset * pixelRatio;
final overlayPhysicalBounds = overlayPhysicalOffset & overlayPhysicalSize;

final recorder = PictureRecorder();
final overlayCullRect = & overlayPhysicalSize; // in canvas physical coordinates
final canvas = Canvas(recorder, overlayCullRect);

final paint = Paint()..color = Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
canvas.drawRect( & overlaySize, paint);

final overlayPicture = recorder.endRecording();
..pushClipRect(overlayPhysicalBounds) // in window physical coordinates
..addPicture(overlayPhysicalOffset, overlayPicture)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,15 +193,18 @@ class ChildView {
assert(viewId != null);

void create(PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
void create(
bool hitTestable,
bool focusable,
PlatformMessageResponseCallback callback) {
// Construct the dart:ui platform message to create the view, and when the
// return callback is invoked, build the scene. At that point, it is safe
// to embed the child view in the scene.
final viewOcclusionHint =;
final Map<String, dynamic> args = <String, dynamic>{
'viewId': viewId,
'hitTestable': true,
'focusable': true,
'hitTestable': hitTestable,
'focusable': focusable,
'viewOcclusionHintLTRB': <double>[
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,3 +245,14 @@ ViewHolderToken _launchGfxChildView() {

return viewHolderToken;

List<String> _GetArgsFromConfigFile() {
List<String> args;
final f = File(_argsCsvFilePath);
if (!f.existsSync()) {
return List.empty();
final fileContentCsv = f.readAsStringSync();
args = fileContentCsv.split('\n');
return args;

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